“Sorry if I crossed a line.” Although it was his idea, I still feel the need to apologize. As if my presence is what forced him to act the way he did, ever the people pleaser.
A crooked grin pulls at the corn of Brody’s lips and he rubs the back of his neck, shaking his head.
“No.” He seems to have a tough time getting the word out, but his gaze never falters. “No, it was my idea and I enjoyed it.”
I smirk, but Brody blushes. He actually fucking blushes.
What have we done?
“I should probably leave you to your date.” I glance toward the bathroom, but the shower is still running.
“Do you want to join us? The movie-” He takes a deep breath and starts again. “We didn’t really pay much attention after a certain point.” I can see a little pink flaring in those tanned cheeks and I smile.
“Nah, just pick up where you left off.” I shake my head and walk past him toward my bedroom.
I’ve pushed his boundaries enough for one evening. Letting Sophie cuddle between the two of us while watching a scary movie somehow feels more intimate than what we just did and I’m not sure he’s ready for that..
“You sure? Don’t you like all that scary stuff?” He doesn’t reach out to stop me, but I turn and grin.
“Well yeah, but I try to at least wait until October.”
“When it’s not still ninety degrees out?” The corner of his mouth lifts into a crooked grin.
“Exactly. Gotta be below eighty-five. Enjoy the movie with Sophie. I’ll…” I’ll what? Go back to my room and finish editing something? Post some photos to my subscription pages? Make no noise and pretend I don’t exist?
Leaving my thought unfinished, I head back to my room just as the bathroom door opens and Sophie emerges, freshly showered. What I wouldn’t give to have joined her under the hot water, to bend her over and take her again.
Something tells me things are going to be very different from here on out.
My phone buzzes angrily on my bedside table, waking me up far earlier than I would like. I was dreaming about Sophie’s perfect body and Brody sliding his cock-
I groan and slap my hand around without opening my eyes, trying to find the offending object. Unfortunately, my clumsy fingers only succeed in knocking it to the floor. Forced to open my eyes, I practically throw my upper body over the side of the bed, my hand continuing to slap around for the phone.
When I finally find it, I’m even more annoyed to see Isla’s face staring up at me with the time across her forehead.
“It’s not even six in the morning,” I groan into the receiver, holding it to my ear while still hanging over the edge of the bed.
“Sorry,” she mutters, but the tremor in her voice shakes me awake. I scramble to sit up and run my hand over my face.
“What’s wrong?” My tone is a little kinder now.
“I need you to come get me.” She’s speaking softly as if trying not to wake someone.
“Where are you?” I listen for anything beyond her voice on the other end, trying to figure out if she’s safe.
“I’m- I went home with someone last night and I-I don’t know-”
“Drop a pin. I’m getting Brody.”
“No, don’t bother him.”
I frown, pausing my attempts to untangle my legs from the sheets.
“Why?” I growl. I do that a lot lately.
“He,” she swallows, “he was supposed to give me an emergency call last night. He must’ve forgotten.”
I have to take a deep breath through my nose so I don’t stomp across the house and throttle him. Why Isla asked him and not me, I’ll never know. Without an actual alert on his phone, he’d probably forget his own birthday.