A few seconds pass while I try to catch my breath.

“And cut,” says Vera, startling me. “Say cheese!” she shouts and I turn to face her.

She has her back to us, holding a phone up for a selfie. Immediately, I perk up and throw a peace sign up while winking and sticking out my tongue. I don’t know what Penny is doing, but the dildo is still half inside me when Vera snaps a few pictures.

“Oh, that’s a good one. I’ll send them to you.”

I lower my head to my forearms, my ass still sticking out while Vera comes around to take a few close-up photos of the toy inside me. Penny pulls the toy from me and removes the harness. A thud follows as she drops the whole thing onto the waiting towel.

“You ok?” She places a gentle hand on my back, but all I can manage is a thumbs up. She giggles. “Need a minute?” I nod.

Ten minutes later, having fixed just the slightest error in my makeup and cleaned up a little, it’s Vera’s turn. I’ve changed into a light blue bodysuit. This scene is far more sensual and romantic, but there’s no lead-up or preparation before we begin.

Vera and Penny lead the way into a bedroom down the hall, each carrying a tripod while I carry mine. Just like the living room, the bedroom is mostly white with off-white or wicker furniture and I wonder if this space, like the garage and extra room I have with Natalie, is strictly a studio.

We set up the tripods with the understanding that Penny will just duck in for a couple of close-ups now and then. The wide angle is going to benefit this scene more. The white comforter is soft beneath my hands and knees as Vera and I crawl onto the bed and wait for Penny to make sure the two phones in tripods are recording. She gives us a thumbs up and we dive into the scene in which Vera plans to sit on my face.

When the scene ends, Vera rises up and swings her leg over to allow me my freedom. I sit up and run a hand through my hair, not bothering to wipe her from my mouth and chin yet.

“That was amazing,” Vera breathes. “Who taught you how to do that?”

“My roommate and I have filmed together a few times,” I say with a shrug. I’m not sure why they’re surprised. “She’s a good teacher.” I giggle and Penny smirks.

“I wish we had time for another scene,” she says. “But maybe if I’m out in LA, I’ll look you up. I might need a piece of that action.”

I laugh, full and loud, feeling completely at ease with these two.

“Deal,” I agree. “If you come out to LA, just give me a call.”

Penny offers me a damp washcloth while Vera goes around to stop the cameras. I clean myself up and then carry my tripod and phone out to the living room to begin packing my things.

“We have plans tonight,” says Penny, pulling on a robe. “But we’ll get you the footage by the end of the week.”

“No rush.” I wave my hand and pull off the bodysuit to begin putting my regular clothing back on. “I’ll get mine to you by Sunday night, but I won’t be editing anything for a hot minute.”

“Sounds good.” Penny grins.

“You’re here until Saturday, right?” asks Vera as I pull on my shorts.

“Yeah, I fly out early that morning.”

“Do you have any plans tomorrow night? Maybe we could get drinks or something. I know how hard it is to take a moment for yourself when you’re traveling.” Her smile is warm and I find myself wanting to accept because she’s right–it can be damn near impossible sometimes.

“I’d love that. I’m filming early afternoon, but I should be able to meet you guys somewhere after five.”

Vera claps her hands together with glee.

“Awesome! Ok, we’ll text you an address and we can plan for six. Does that work?”

“That’ll work.” I grin, glad to expand my list of friends in the industry by two.



LA native, computer nerd, and a lover of nature. When I’m not working, I spend my time playing video games, trying and failing to learn to cook, and hiking or hitting the gym. Not a major fan of crowds, but I’ll brave them for the right person. My best friend would say I’m pretty fucking cool, but take that with a grain of salt. I’m still discovering what I like and what I’m looking for in a partner. Would love to meet someone to spend time with and get to know, develop a connection, and find something real.

Miles sent me the blurb last night, but I was hesitant to read it, afraid of what he might have said. I stare at the words. Shakespeare, he is not, but it’s better than I could have come up with. My best idea was to write ‘just ask’ in the About Me section. He saved me from that, at least. I copy the text and log in to theKinkRinkapp, which I reluctantly downloaded this morning.