My torso convulses with aftershocks for several minutes after I come down from the high. My eyes flutter open, but Miles is still above me, lying on top of me. He’s still twitching inside me and moaning, holding some of his weight so as not to crush me, but I’m not sure I’d care if he did.

When his movements slow, his muscles relaxing, I grin, trying to look back at him. He takes a deep breath, blowing it down into my hair. He presses his lips to my cheek, then pulls out and rolls over and onto the bed next to me. I can’t speak, still trying to get my breathing under control. I revel in the deliciously stretched and used feeling. A soft laugh escapes him, sounding almost like one of relief.

“What’s so funny?” I reach up to move my hair out of the way and see that he’s staring at me.

“I was going to try to last longer.”

He doesn’t seem embarrassed and I don’t see why he would be. Any guy who takes that much time on a woman should be made a saint. I’m reminded that the bar is literally on the floor.

“I don’t think I could’ve taken any more,” I chuckle.

“We’ll have to test that theory sometime.” He rolls onto his side, propping his head up with one hand so he can look down at me while I roll onto my side for a better view of him. His expression is serious. “Look, I don’t want to get things confused between us.”

“Content versus just us?” I surmise. Miles nods.

“Is there anything you do to set boundaries with other creators?”

“You mean when I’m dating someone?”

“Yeah, to make things clear between us. I don’t know if I’m explaining it right.”

“I think I understand.” I press my lips tightly together, but I do feel like he deserves to know. “I haven’t dated since I got to LA,” I start slowly. “My ex back in Oklahoma, I-” I take a deep breath because I’ve only ever admitted this to one other person. “I had to leave. In a hurry,” I add quickly, the words tumbling out. “He’s the only guy I’ve been with since I started making content and it didn’t end well. I’m not sure I handled things the right way, but even if I did, I don’t exactly want to use that relationship as a baseline.”

Miles is silent, searching my face with worry in his eyes.

“My dating history track record isn’t the best either. That’s part of why I wanted to ask. I,” he grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, “like you, probably more than I should.” He smiles against my knuckles. “Was that too much to admit?”

“It wasn’t too much.” The words surprise even me, but I suppose it’s true. I like him, I feel at ease, safe. “My ex, he… he wanted me to promise not to do certain things with the people I filmed with. Things he wanted to keep for himself, that would make him jealous if I did them with someone else.”

“You don’t need to relive that,” says Miles softly. “We don’t need to reopen those wounds. I just want you to know that, even though I’m working with other people, you’re the only one I’m thinking about.”

I have to smirk at that, arching one eyebrow.

“Even when filming with men?”

Miles chuckles and drops my hand to wrap his arm around my waist. His hand splays across my lower back and he pulls me closer. His face is inches from mine.

“I asked if you’d peg me.”

I giggle, hiding my face in my hands. Another blush spreads into my cheeks when I look up at Miles again.

“You did, didn’t you?” I sigh. “Let’s work up to that one.”

“You got it.” He leans down to kiss my nose, then my eyelids when I close them, then each of my cheeks. “I meant what I said earlier. I’m all yours.”

“This is weird.” Natalie sits across from me at the kitchen table, eating her salad while I chow down on my burrito bowl.

“I know.”

“No, but this is weird.”

“I know,” I repeat.

“No dating for like six months and thenBAM! Two boyfriends.”

I snort.

“They’re not my boyfriends, they’re-” I pause, trying to think of the right thing to say. “In training.”