“Security consultant, right?” I ask, trying to recall the exact words he used onKinkRink.

“Cybersecurity specialist.”

“What does that entail?”

“Have you heard of ethical hacking?”

“Like in the movies?” I ask, frowning. “When they hire thieves to break into a museum to test the security?”

“Kind of like that,” Brody chuckles. “But less spandex and fewer lasers.”

“Well, that’s boring.”

“I like it.” He shrugs. “It’s a challenge trying to break into different systems and find the weak points.”

“Remind me not to piss you off.” That should scare me, shouldn’t it?

“I only use my powers for good.”

“Do you like your boss?” It’s an inane question, but I just want to keep him talking. I want to draw this out.

“I do. She hired me right out of college and I’ve been working for her ever since. And the job is stable, allows me to save for the future and all that.”

“The future,” I repeat. Who wants a future with someone in porn? Doubt creeps into my mind.

“Yeah, you know,” Brody continues without realizing I’ve gone cold, “I want kids, but not anytime soon,” he adds in a rush. “Whenmy partner and I are ready.”

“Kids would be great.” There’s no enthusiasm in my tone. I used to want kids. Maybe I still do, but I can’t focus on anything more than six months out right now. I’m finally finding consistency. I feel like I’ve only just begun.

“Are you ok?” Brody reaches up to caress my cheek and warmth spreads across my skin at his touch. “I’m not scaring you, am I? Talking about kids on the second date feels kind of heavy, now that I think about it.” He blushes, but I smile at the worry on his face. “Is there anything I can do?”

Pin me down and make me scream your name.


I really need to stop thinking about my job so damn much.

“I’m good.”Great response, Sophie. I cross my arms over my chest and scrunch up my nose briefly.

Brody stays focused on me. There’s something going on behind those green eyes. I’m not sure what storm is brewing in his mind, but do I want to? Maybe now is the time to tell him about my job. Save him some time down the road.

I’ve always wondered when most people in the industry tell a new partner about their job or side hustle. I can’t imagine most just blurt it out on the first date. The fifth feels too late. Maybe there’s no right answer either.

The two women seated near the door stand and walk into the cafe, leaving us alone.

“I’ve got a confession,” I mutter, looking down at my hands and clasping them in my lap. I force myself to take a deep breath before meeting Brody’s eyes again. The worry in them causes my jaw to clench. “It’s-it’s nothingbad,” I stutter. “Not really. It’s just something I- Well, not everyone is ok with it. If that makes sense.”

I sigh and lean forward, resting my elbows on the table and holding my forehead in my hands.

“Sophie, it’s ok.” Brody reaches out, gently brushing his fingertips along my wrist. “I think you’ll find I have a pretty open mind.”

I chance a glance his way. His expression is sincere as if he wants to support me while I tell him something that’s definitely going to make a guy like him run for the Hollywood Hills. I stare back down at the table.

After a few seconds, I can’t stand it anymore and I blurt it out.

“I make amateur porn.”