“If you want, Brody will provide the funding and act as a silent partner,” says Miles. “You’ll be CEO and I’ll be… I don’t know, your henchman or something.”
Brody takes a few steps around the island to stand on my other side.
“It’s going to take some time to put together a proper business plan,” he says. “I’m not justgivingyou the money. I want to make sure you’ll succeed. But I believe in you.” He cups my cheek and tears sting as they gather in my eyes.
“Thisissomething you want, right?” asks Miles and my head whips around to face him.
“Yes,” I whisper. It was an idea years ago, but I never took steps to make it a reality. I’ve never gotten past the general idea stage because what’s the point? I’m not ready for that.
Iwasn’tready for that. Not until them.
“Got a name for it?” asks Brody. I snort.
“I don’t think you’ll like it.”
“Try us,” Miles pushes.
“Mattress Testers.”
“I love it.” Miles’ reaction is instantaneous and I’m not sure he actually heard the words. Brody chuckles.
“How long have you been planning this?” I frown, flipping through the pages again.
“Long enough to have put all of that together,” says Miles. “Pretty much since we asked you to move in with us.”
“And you hid this from me?”
“Only so we could surprise you,” says Brody.
“Sophie, we’re in this with you for the long haul,” says Miles, placing his hand on mine. “You want to start a company? We’ll be your grunts-”
“And funding,” Brody chimes in.
“-and do what you say,” Miles continues, his concentration unbroken. “You want to leave California in six months for New York or Chicago or,” he shudders, “Texas? We’ll do it. We’ll complain if it’s Texas, but we’ll do it.” I giggle. “Hell, want to live on the moon? Brody will find a way to do it.”
“Being with you,” Brody adds, suppressing a chuckle, “feels like… How do I say this without sounding corny?”
“Lean into it,” Miles urges with a grin.
“Living with my best friend the last few years has been amazing.” Brody glances at the man in question. “It’s easy. Miles is a great roommate-”
“Aw, shucks.”
“-but something was obviously missing.”
“Rude,” Miles mutters.
“You, Sophie.” His green eyes are begging me to believe him, but there’s no need. “You were the missing piece, but you showed me,” he places his hand on Miles’ where it covers mine, “that I was missing something else.”
“You complete us, is what he’s saying.” Miles shrugs. He’s got that big, dopey grin, knowing exactly how ridiculous he sounds.
Brody groans and covers his face with his free hand.
“God, you guys are weird.” I shake my head, a thousand thoughts running through my mind. There’s only one I want to voice. “I love you both.” The tears finally spill over, running down my cheeks. “Like, a lot.”
“Love you, too, sweetheart.” Brody embraces me and kisses the top of my head.