It takes two weeks for me to want to go home. Caleb and Jesse didn’t take me from my house, but Caleb’s messages, his threats, desecrated the place for me. I’ll never feel safe again, walking through that front door again. Even with Brody and Miles at my side, my body trembles when I cross the threshold.

I should hate Caleb for it. I should curse him day and night. But I don’t. He’s dead. Jesse and Caleb Davis died in an abandoned construction site–an apartment building that never got to house anyone. They died and they disappeared and no one came looking for them. No one came to ask me questions as Caleb’s ex. No one cares that they’re gone.

That should concern me. It should cause alarm bells to sound in my head. Brody works for a company that can make people disappear so completely that it’s as if they were never there. Where a normal person would be terrified, I’m just thankful.

If I had died in that building, if I had disappeared without a trace, at least I would have been missed. By Natalie, by Miles, by Brody. They would have looked for me. They would have cared. They would have grieved my loss.

I still think about Caleb and Jesse. I still have nightmares that force me awake at night. I still reach out for Brody and Miles, who have traded off sleeping in Miles’ bed with me. Sometimes it even takes me a minute to figure out that I’m not back on that sawhorse. The men who care for me, all but rock me back to sleep, whispering words of comfort, words of love.

After two weeks of Brody and Miles and Natalie tiptoeing around me, not bringing up Caleb or his brother, I can finally attempt to get home, even if it doesn’t feel like home anymore.

Someone from Brody’s company found my car at the coffee shop where I was taken in broad daylight. The drinks were still sitting in my cup holder. I had stopped to get Natalie her usual hot tea and an iced coffee for myself when I was taken. My keys were on the floor of the driver’s side where I must have dropped them after getting bashed in the head. Miraculously, no one broke in to steal the laptop sitting on the passenger seat.

I haven’t driven in the two weeks since theincident. I refuse to call what happened to me a kidnapping. It makes me feel like a victim. Miles drove the car over last week. Seeing it sitting in the driveway is odd.

Brody and Miles walk behind me as if waiting for me to turn and run. Natalie stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame in a long, flowing, floral maxi dress. Seeing her calms my nerves a little.

The cameras have been taken down. Brody had it done before Natalie returned from San Francisco. That doesn’t keep me from scanning for one just inside the front door.

Natalie lets me lead the way upstairs and a shiver runs down my spine when I reach the top. I’m home. Natalie and the guys are with me. I’m safe.

The old dining room table has been cleared off. The tablecloth is even gone. This is weird. That table isneverempty.

“What’s going on?” I frown and turn as Natalie reaches the top stair, followed closely by Brody and Miles.

“We had an idea,” Brody explains.

“It wasmyidea,” Miles chimes in. “Before you give him all the credit.” He hooks his thumb at his friend.

“Are you going to tell me or argue about which one of you is the smart one?” I cross my arms and back away to give them all space to join me.

“Sit down.” Natalie motions to the table using her Domme voice and, after squinting skeptically at her for a moment, I comply. I take the chair at the opposite end of the table. “Good girl.”

She winks and sits at the far end. Brody and Miles sit on either side of me.

“Noware you going to tell me what you’re planning?”

“For the record,” Natalie begins, “I’m not fully on board.”

“Thanks for the support,” Miles mutters under his breath. I gently kick him under the table and he at least has the sense to look sorry.

“We want you to move in with us,” Brody blurts.

“You- what?” My head swivels between the two before I look at Natalie. “I would think you’d want to get rid of me.”

“And have my rent double? No, thanks.” She sighs and leans forward in her chair. “I like these idiots, but you don’treallyknow them.”

I think my brain is malfunctioning. I’m trying to process. Brody and Miles want me to move in. Natalie doesn’t like the idea. She thinks they’re good for me, but it’s too soon. For her.

“You’re right.” I look at Natalie when I speak. Miles sags. “I haven’t known them for very long.”

“See?” Natalie asks, looking first at Miles and then at Brody. “You can’t move in with someone after a Disney relationship.”

“Disney relationship?” Brody frowns.

“You know,” she says with a wave of her hand. “When a princess marries a prince after knowing him for three days.” I snort.

“I haven’t known them for very long,” I repeat. “But I can’t say I hate the idea. I-” I bite my lip. “I actually like it.”