I cry out, muffled by the gag, and my eyes start leaking.
“Are those tears?” Caleb’s tone is mocking as he walks away.
When he returns, my head is hanging to take the weight off of my neck, but I can see the black riding crop in his hand. It’s obviously a tool specifically made for kink. I steel myself against the oncoming pain, squeezing my eyes and tensing my body.
The board lands another blow just as the crop finds my back.
“I think she should count,” Jesse grunts from behind me.
“Did you hear that, slut?” Caleb drags the crop down my back before swatting me again. “Count while we punish you.”
I remain silent.I can’t, you fucking idiot.The gag remains in my mouth. Do they want me to grunt?
“I saidcount.” Caleb ends the sentence with another blow, followed closely by the board in Jesse’s hand.
He steps around in front of me and grips my chin tight, angling my neck sothat I’m forced to look at him.
“Count, you stupid cunt,” he orders. “I don’t care if you have to drool through every goddamn word. Count or I’ll give you a real excuse.”
I can’t help. I really can’t help it. My eyes roll when he tries to sound intimidating by grabbing his crotch. The back of his hand strikes my face.
“Maybe when we’re done with you, we’ll send the video to your boyfriends.” He drops my chin and steps over to my side. “Make them watch,” he smacks me, “while we bruise your ass.” Jesse and Caleb land blows at the same time. “Listen to you scream and cry whine like a bitch while I fuck that asshole dry.”
“You’re a fucking whore,” Caleb continues. “Say it!”
“Say it,” he repeats through gritted teeth.
Tears continue to fall from my eyes, rolling up my face before falling into my hair. Each blow lands in a different spot now and I know my whole body will be black and blue and purple beneath angry red welts tomorrow. I remain silent.
Clearly giving up the idea of making me gargle the gag, Caleb attacks my arms and back while the board in Jesse’s hands collides with my calves, my thighs, my ass.
“You’re mine,” Caleb snarls. “Mine to mark, mine to play with, my whore, fuckingmine.”
He drops the riding crop and crouches in front of me. His hand tangles in my hair, yanking my head up so that he can hold a knife directly before my face.
“Don’t worry,” he chuckles darkly. “I’ll leave your face pretty.”
He swipes the knife along my upper arm and I cry out again around the gag, squeezing my eyes shut. Another slice on my opposite forearm sends pain radiating through my body while Jesse’s board continues to make contact.
“I don’t think she likes this, Jesse.”
No shit, Sherlock. I open my eyes when I realize the blade hasn’t cut me a third time.
“Maybe she’ll like phase two,” Jesse retorts.
The board clatters to the floor, imitating the drop of my stomach at his words. I’m pretty sure I know what phase two is.
Caleb’s hand tightens in my hair and he shakes me to ensure he has my attention. He brushes the end of the knife along my cheek, not enough pressure to break the skin.
“I’m going to take this gag off.” He taps the ball between my teeth with the blade. “You can scream all you want… while your mouth is free.” He smirks and my chest goes cold.