Miles and I are both curious as to what Brody has planned this time. This dominating nature of his turns me on more than I could have imagined. I’ve played the sub before in videos, followed orders. This is entirely different.

Miles moves slower than I did, making a show of sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He doesn’t move to hide his erection as he stands and walks past the studio lights, turning them off as he goes so that we aren’t blinded or overheating. All that’s left are the lamps on the bedside table. He makes his way over to the chair and takes a seat, bringing one foot up to rest on the opposite knee with a grin, his hard cock proudly displayed between his legs.

Brody, whose eyes were following Miles, now turns his gaze to me. Removing his clothes, he approaches the bed and I have no time to react as his hand shoots out to grab the back of my neck, pulling my lips to his in a violent kiss that bruises. In return, I pull his lip between my teeth and bite gently. Brody moans into me before pulling away. His eyes flick over to Miles in the chair.

“You’re going to watch,” he growls. “Watch while I make our girl come.”

“Fuck.” The word escapes my lips and my pussy aches with desire. “You were watching.” How else would he have known when to come in?

“I watched you come on his face.” Brody nods. “And I wanted it to be my cock, so I decided to do something about it.”

“What, no ‘Brody says’?” Miles teases.

“Do you have a gag?” Brody asks. Miles simply closes his lips and pretends to lock them and throw away an imaginary key. It’s clear he’s trying not to smile and I giggle. “Now, where did I stop you two?”

On his knees above me, Brody reaches down between my thighs and I spread my knees a little more. The moment he slides a finger through my wetness, I whimper. My arm flies up to clutch his inked shoulder, nails digging in to form crescent marks in his skin.

“So needy,” he groans before kissing me again. “I’m going to lie down,” he says against my lips. “And you’re going to sit that sweet cunt down on my cock.

I swallow hard. The last time I was on top, with Miles beneath me on the couch, I didn’t have to do much. On a bed, it’s a lot harder.

“Brody, I can’t-” I whisper. “Being on top,” my eyes flick to Miles and then back to Brody’s as I pull back to see him clearer, “it’s harder for…”For someone my size, but I don’t say that.

Brody’s expression falters, his eyebrows softening. He cups my face and I lean into his hand.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s ok, just… bad knees.” That’s half the problem, but I don’t want to get into it now. I’ve already ruined the mood enough.

Brody’s fingers ease into my hair.

“We’ll just have to find another position, won’t we?” He licks his bottom lip and smiles. “Hands and knees for me, sweetheart. Face Miles.”

I inhale sharply but do as I’m told, crawling as far down the bed as possible, to be as close to Miles as I can. Moments later, Brody’s cock slides up and down my center, dragging moisture down to my clit and then back. I push my hips into him, trying to urge him to speed up, but he laughs deep in his throat.

“See how desperate she is for me?” He asks Miles whose casual expression has changed. He’s watching us intently as if nothing else exists in this world but the two people on the bed before him.

“She needs it,” he agrees.

“Should I oblige?”

My toes wiggle as I fight the urge to beg Brody to fuck me already.

“I don’t know,” Miles muses, but his voice is strained. “The question is… is she desperateenough?”

“Please,” I whimper.

“What’s that?” asks Brody with another swipe. He slaps himself against my clit and I nearly jump out of my skin, earning a chuckle from both men. “Come on, sweetheart, beg for us.”

“Fuck.” I hang my head, wondering at the fact that there isn’t a goddamn river flowing between my legs. The teasing is sweet agony.

“He’s not here,” Miles laughs. “Go on, beg my best friend to fuck you while I watch. Beg to come on his exquisite dick.” My head snaps up.


“Please,” I whimper a little louder. “Fuck me, Brody.”

He plunges into me forcing a cry from my lips. Grabbing my hips, he fucks me hard and fast, thrusting deep with every stroke.