Page 64 of All Saints: Pledge

“I do. I promised. And I'm starving too. Singing always gives me an appetite.”

I smile. “So you’re hungry all the time? Aren't you studying music?”

“Ah, well, much to the chagrin of my father, yes. But I'm also studying International Law. Slowly.”

“I'm studying Political Science. Or well, you guys call it PPE here.” He ushers me through the door into the barn and we wave to the horse caregiver, tossing flakes of hay into the stalls.

“It seems we have much in common. I'm surprised you aren't studying music. You seem to like it.”

Our steps fall easily into rhythm. “I can't afford to stay here without the scholarship, and I don't think they are open to me switching." I think about how much emphasis has been placed on my ambition, and its ties to All Saints. "Plus, I still believe in what I want to do. I just also love singing."

“I hope that whatever happens, you don't let it stop you from looking for the things that bring you joy.” He's looking up at the house when he says it.

A chill races down my spine. His comment is so foreboding, as if heknowssomething I don’t. Maybe they tell the male initiates everything, and it’s just us “stupid females” left in the dark. Wouldn’t want to stress our sensibilities.

As we approach the circle drive in the front, the figure lounging against the stone fountain straightens. It’s not Augustine. I squint. Those damn shoulders. I would know them in the dark at this point. Kendall glowers at us as we walk up the cobble drive.

“Shit,” I say. “I must have done something wrong.”

“Nah, he’s a territorial apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree, no matter how much he thinks otherwise.”

I cast a sideways look at Teague. He sounds like he knows Kendall. And his father. “Are you two friends?”

Teague gives one cut of his head. “Colleagues.”

“Colleagues? I wasn’t aware that Kendallhada job. Other than micromanaging my life, I mean.”

Teague snorts. “Okay, colleagues is a strong term. We’re roommates.”

“I…I cannot even imagine that.” I stop and turn to look at Teague. “Aren’t you an upperclassman?”

“Technically, we’resuite-mates. We don’t share a room. Just common areas.” He says it the way you talk about having to live with an animal you’re allergic to.

“I thought you were in upperclassman housing—” My foot catches on the cobbles, and I tip forward slightly, Teague’s hands flying out to steady my arms. It is not sweet. It isnotsweet. Just because he’s got that whole fallen angel thing going on?—

“You okay?” Teague crouches down a little, allowing me to regain my feet.

“Yeah, just an idiot who can’t walk on this driveway in these shoes. Nothing compared to your day to day misery, I’m sure.”

“Kendall? Oh he’s just a delight. Never in a bad mood. Severely misunderstood.”

“What the fuck are you doing here, Teague?” Kendall growls, playing right into the joke about his bad temper.

The joke lands, and Teague shares a small secret smile with me before glancing up at Kendall. A manic gleam has enters his eyes. His voice is soft and just for me when he says, “It’s true I’m in dire straights these days for good company. The only joy in life I have at the moment—present company excluded—is pissing Kendall off.”

“I…okay?” I’m taken aback at the change in topics.

“And this,” his eyes sparkle, “is a most excellent opportunity.”

“I’m not following.”

“Ah. But youwill. Come on. Let’s get you back to Cara.”

“Clara,” I correct him, but then gasp. Instead of offering me his arm, his hand grabs mine and tugs. No, not just any hand hold. Not like “Oh hello friend, right this way, don’t fall on the cobbles.” His arm slides down mine and his fingers interlace with mine. It’s a lover’s handhold. It’s sexy, and electric, and my mind goes blank with static.

“Just making sure Helena here gets back to the house safely,” he says to Kendall as we approach.

He leans towards me, eyes sparkling with mischief. Out of pure animal instinct, I return the lean. I’m completely unsureof what is happening, but my body? My body is completely on board with everything having to do with this gorgeous, gorgeous man.