Page 53 of All Saints: Pledge

“It. Isn’t. Just. Lust.” He grinds out, mastering himself.

I lean in and am gratified to see him sway towards me. I squint one eye and curve my lips up. “Prove. It.”

He’s speechless so I lean down and grab my book bag. Before I can straighten, he’s at my door, blocking my exit.

“Move,” I say, willing myself to look bored.

“I won’t be able to prove it to you if you stay in All Saints. There’s training. There’s… I’ll have to throw my father off, make him believe it’s not you that’s my weakness. I—won’t be able to be nice.”

I eye him, because he seems truly distressed. And yet, it’s still not enough to give up my paycheck. My way to a life I want. I can do hard things.

“Back out now, let me finish what I started and then we can be together. You’ll just have to wait a little bit. Don’t let them use this organization against us.”

Wait for this man? This guy who treated me so terribly even though he says he was head over heels for me? Nope. In fact it’s going to be good for both of us if I end this now.

“They won’t.” I say, as I reach around him and open the door. He’s forced to the side as it swings open, and I step right up next to him, look him dead in the eye and say, “because you’re forgetting that while I might be your kryptonite? You’re. Not. Mine.”


“What is his problem?” Clara asks me as I join her and latch onto her arm, spinning her around so we’re marching away from my door.

I glance back over my shoulder—Kendall stalks after us, his arrogant grump persona on full display. Angry and maybe a little hurt.

Deep breath. I’ve never been this kind of person. I don’t play games. I abhor games. But my other option is to admit I have feelings for this detestable person? Andsurehe turns me to liquid jelly. Andsure,we cannot seem to get enough of each other physically, andsurehe was real last night in a way that was potentially sweet. But it’snot enoughto risk the rest of my life with, not when he’s still…I mentally wave my hand over his arrogant, stalking figure…him.

“What do you mean?” I ask Clara, realizing she’s been staring at me.

“You seem upset. He seems upset.” She tries to look back over her shoulder. I keep my gaze forward.

“He’salwaysupset, Clara. Come on, let’s go running. I could use a good endorphin rush.”

She eyes me. “Did something happen?”

My gaze skitters to hers as we cross a cobblestone street. “No.”

She walks along in silence for a while, but I can tell she’s still thinking about it. I stop and put my hand to my forehead in exasperation. “Clara, I just got handed an enormous pile of money, which I’m guessing you did, too. It wigs me out. Doesn’t it bother you?”

She presses her lips together.

Hazarding a look over my shoulder, I tug her forward. I can’t tell her everything I’ve learned, but I can ask questions while we’re running and Mr. High and Mighty can’t stop me. Following my paranoid urge, I take Clara’s phone and my own, and stuff it in the bottom of my bag before shoving the bag under a bench. If they’re stolen, they’re stolen.

“Hey! Helena, we need our phones to record the workout?—”

“If…if you knew something…you would tell me, right? We’re friends now?” I cut her off as I pull her away from the bag. It’s inconspicuous enough. Unless someone saw me ditch it, it should be there when we get back.

Clara nods, eyes widening.

I chew my lip, knowing I need to tread carefully. “Have you ever considered what you may have to trade to be in this fraternity?”

She blinks. “Trade.”

We hit our normal jogging spot, and I stop to do a few stretches. “You know, like, what they want from us.”

The nervous laugh that escapes isn’t Clara’s style. “You mean other than their list of how to be the perfect student?” When I don’t laugh, her blue eyes cloud over with seriousness. “Wait, do you know? What will get us in?”

Dangerous waters. My eyes dart between hers. “Every person’s experience might be different, but based on aconversation I overheard, it seems like this goes beyond simply paying dues and attending meetings. Next level things.”

“Next level.” She’s just parroting my words.