Page 68 of All Saints: Pledge

She reaches out a hand and pats mine briefly. “We need people with big goals. It’s why we’re here. To meet with the best and brightest Oxford has to offer. And to help mold our tomorrow as they progress through school so that when they graduate, they can begin right where their impact will help the most.”

David leans forward then. “As in…”

Dottie sits back and offers him a smile. “My job today is to meet with you, answer questions that you have about the work we do in the Prime Minister’s cabinet, and we’ll follow your files. It’s certainly not unheard of that we offer summer internships to people we’ve met with. Or job offers to recent graduates with your background.” She turns to me again. “Do you know if youhave a student visa that allows you to stay summers? You might want to get that ironed out before Spring.”

I blink at her. And then blink again. Dorothea Howard is asking me if I could potentially intern in the Prime Minister’s office this summer. I’ve gone from small town farm life to…this.

This is what All Saints has to offer me. It’s the brilliant pull of the curtain, revealing the tantalizing carrot at the end of this bizarre stick. This is what they offer. A direct path to my dreams. The shortcut. Dottie Howard is my Candy Land shortcut up the game board. Well, Dottie Howard, and All Saints. There is not even another world in which a member of the UK Prime Minister’s cabinet comes and sits down at a table with Helena Eades from small-town United States, and offers her a summer internship over all of the other more-qualified students she could choose from.

David is already rabid, asking questions about the summer work, and how to best get his information to Dottie to firm up plans.

My cup of tea has gone cold, my sandwiches uneaten. It’s like my brain has fallen out of my head. My gaze roves the room, falling first on Clara, in deep conversation with a black woman with close cropped curls, then to the rowing twins who fawn over a muscled man I’m pretty sure I’ve seen on soccer posters. This is the room where it happens. I’m in the fucking room where it happens. And then my eyes fall on a table where Kendall sits with Augustine. His eyes are on mine. It grounds me with a jolt of energy, even as he turns to talk to his father.

I come back to myself in a rush, just in time to hear Dottie’s response to David. “We have your information, and our offers are contingent on you completing at least a year under your scholarship advisory committee. I guarantee you, we’re keen to have people of your caliber join our team.” She winks at both of us. “Plus, you may get other offers. This is personal advice… youwill likely be in demand with your credentials. I suggest you take the time to weigh your options. Now. Tell me about what you like to do for fun, David.”

And with that, the conversation turns casual, even though I’m aware that my own world has tilted on its axis.

“I’m beat, already.”Clara’s voice floats from the bathroom through my door, her voice echoing off the marble.

The luxurious bathroom now feels like a prison as we find ourselves having to shower and change again for tonight’s festivities. We’ve had an hour to rest, but now we’re to get dressed in our slinky black dresses for our event tonight. Beyond the windows, dusk has fallen and intermittently there’s a flash of headlights driving the winding cobble driveway. I guess we’re expecting more visitors than we’ve had. The night is just beginning. Apparently.

“I’m tired too,” I agree with a yawn. I reach down into my bag and pull out a Red Bull. “Here,” I offer her one. “They’re warm, but…”

“You blessed angel,” she says. We clink warm energy drinks and chug them in front of the marble bust in the corner of the bathroom. “Wonder if we should offer her some, she’s probably seen some stuff,” Clara says, motioning to the bust.

We both snort a laugh. “Life is weird. Never saw this one coming,” I say, looking around.

“Agreed. I never thought you and I would become friends at the very least, much less...”

I nod with another swig. “Thanks for being someone to go through this with.”

“I just hope we both get in,” she agrees, turning to look at the mirror. She’s applying gel to her already-perfect brows. “I guess we’ll know tomorrow.”

“Wait, what? Already?” I’m startled.

“From what Irina tells me, the rest of the trip is only for pledges who find a sponsor. Everyone else goes home tomorrow.”

My stomach sinks. “So we…what? Go back to Oxford for Christmas? Alone?”

Clara tosses me a look. “There’s no way you won’t get a sponsor. We were both at the luncheon, and I saw who you were seated with.”

“You don’t think you’ll get in? With Kendall’s father helping you?”

“Everyone seems disappointed in my answers when they ask me what I want to do with my life. I’ve started inventing things that sound fancy, but I think they can tell.”

I lean in toward my mirror and pull out the lip stain Li sent me with that lasts ten hours. I start applying the shockingly red color.

“That looks really good on you,” Clara says. I look up and find her watching me from her own mirror. “You have really nice lips.”

I flush. “Yeah, well, thanks. I’d kill to have your…” I motion to where her robe barely contains her ample chest.”

“Eh, some men really like a small chest. These things are honestly sometimes more of a hassle than they’re worth. I’d give anything to be able to jog without knocking myself out.”

We both give a little mirthless giggle.

When we slide into the slinky dresses, though, Clara fills hers out much better than me. Mine sags at the top. A lot at the top. I look sad and frumpy next to her.

“Hang on, I’ve got tape.”