Page 4 of Ancient Rising

The professor grinned.“You, Harwin, were the last piece of the puzzle.Now that we have one of your people here, we have been allowed to begin our dig.”


“One of your people is needed to open the doors of the great temple.”

She blinked.“You waited two years for me?”

“You are independent, strong, and can serve as security for our team, so it is better that you are the one with us.”

Harwin realized she had followed her dream and been suckered at the same time.That sounded right.

“Fine.Just tell me what you need me to do.”She finished her food and drink and watched the display as the professor went through the pillars, pathways, and statues.When the statue nearest the pyramid was the focus, she blinked.“Damn.Ra is a Hmrain.”

Kliotten grinned.“Yes.He was a legendary ancient Hmrain.He is thought to be the first of his kind to die.”

She didn’t say anything.She just paid attention while her mind played back every sun god myth she could remember.Having the Hmrain conflated with gods was understandable.She had met a few of them during her time with the merchant, and they were truly larger than life in every sense.

The briefing went on for half an hour, and then, everyone was ordered into their work gear and were to assemble outside the base in ten minutes.

Harwin went to her room and changed into her looser clothing.Her body armour wasn’t allowed in the ancient city.She had her invisible armour, and it could stop most sudden projectiles.Energy weapons would take her down, so she just had to be on guard.

They were literally the only people on this entire planet, so there weren’t any threats at the moment.

Harwin was excited.This was what she had dreamed of.The two suns were warm, and as one set, the other rose.Right now, the larger of the suns was bright and hot.

They walked slowly, and Harwin carried some equipment to set up a tiny examination zone.Whatever they found would be scrutinized in the shade.

The team was excited, and if Harwin admitted it, she was as well.The familiar statuary and motifs reminded her so much of home she ached.She had gone on a trip to Egypt with her school, and they had been invited to view some chambers in the Valley of Kings.She had been giddy then, and she was giddy now.

She sobered when she realized that it was over.Her world was over.Madam had insisted that they get therapy and mourn.They had cried and talked it out, but in the end, she and Kris had come out stronger.Much stronger.

She carefully set the equipment down and left the tents to the others as she turned to look at the statues.There were statues of what had to be Ra on either side of the pyramid pathway.

The tent and anchors were automatic, and the working base was up while Harwin was wandering around and staring at the building that both gave her hope and hurt her heart.There were so many memories wrapped up in this structure, this world.

Harwin acted as security for days while the team’s drones took in all the details of the exterior.The professor was mainly at the huge doors, trying to get them to open while the team examined the exterior of the pyramid.

She kept hydrated and kept herself on alert while the team bustled around and recorded hieroglyphic and hieratic panels around the structure.Occasionally, she helped move diagnostic equipment around and get drones back to the shuttle, but otherwise, it was a relaxing time.

Relaxation ended on the day the professor came by while she was watching the desert and sky.

“Miss Harwin, would you come with me?I believe I could use your particular skill set.”

“Sure, Professor.”

She walked with him to the front gates.The relief carvings were specific.There was Ra holding an ankh facing a female Egyptian human with her hand out, palm flat.“Well, that is fairly succinct.”

“You know what to do?”

She nodded and looked around until she found the precise thing she needed.There was a lotus on the wall.“Professor, do you have an air bulb or a brush?”

“Of course.We should get you a kit.You could help.”He handed over a brush.

“Yes, I probably could.”She looked at the lotus and gently swept the brush over it, dislodging sand and more sand.When the human-shaped handprint was exposed, she handed the brush back to the professor.

“Wait!I want to capture this.”

She looked at him, and he soon had the recorder aimed at her.“It isn’t that dramatic.”