Page 97 of Final Sins

Tai snorted. “You and me both. Now look at us, all domesticated.”

“Domesticated?” Bridger raised an eyebrow. “Is that what we’re calling it?”

“What would you call it?”

“Evolution, maybe? From lone wolves to ... I don’t know, a pack?”

“Bingo. A pack of overprotective, paranoid ex-operatives, still jumping at shadows, but now ...”

“Now we’re jumping for the right reasons,” Bridger finished. He glanced out the window again, watching their makeshift family bustling about. “Funny how that works.”

Tai nodded, a smile playing on his lips. “Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, but I’m happier than a pig in mud.”

Bridger could only laugh. The man played tired, old-fashioned sayings like a concert pianist.

The door burst open, revealing Kellen in a perfectly pressed tuxedo. “Mom says we need to get a move on,” he ordered. “The girls just went down for their naps. She says we better get this party started before they wake up.”

Bridger grinned. “Tell her we’ll be there faster than she can say ‘diaper duty.’”

As Kellen sprinted off, a wave of emotion blindsided Bridger. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear the sudden moisture from his eyes.

Tai gave him a sidelong glance. “What?”

“What?” he echoed. “I’m not crying. You’re crying.”

Tai tilted his head back, blinking fast. “Well duh. I’m definitely crying, dude.”

Kellen’s voice floated back to them from the hallway. “Adults. Yuck.”

“Kid’s got a point.” Bridger swiped his eyes and grinned at his friend.

“Copy that, Amigo. Copy that.”

As they prepared to leave the cabin, Bridger paused, overwhelmed by the moment. He could never have anticipated the challenges and sorrows that had marked his life, but the sweet blessings vastly outnumbered the troubles.

Before finding Redemption Creek and Jane and Kellen, he wasn’t certain he’d ever be whole. Now, surrounded by the family he’d found and the love he’d never expected, he couldn’t imagine his life being any fuller.

Or more blessed.

With a deep breath, he stepped into the frigid sunlight, ready to celebrate not just Tai and Tenaya’s love, but the incredible journey that had brought them all together.

The future stretched out before them, bright and full and shining.

He couldn’t wait to see what came next.

And just like that,we’re at the end of Redemption Creek…. For now. These characters have burrowed so far into my heart, I’m not sure I’m ready to say good bye. But for now, I’ve got something new on the horizon….

A return to Hope Landing!