Tai shot him a look that could have melted the snow outside. “And face the wrath of one Tenaya Washington? I’d rather take on a dozen hostiles with a pack of chewing gum and a laser pointer.”
Bridger chuckled, finally conquering the bow tie. “Can’t blame you there. You lucked out with that woman, brother.”
“Copy that,” Tai agreed, a dopey grin spreading across his face. “More lucky than I have a right to expect.”
Their conversation drifted to the rest of the Redemption Creek family. The twins, now six months old, had him and Jane running from sun-up to sun-down. The only person who consistently had them wrapped around his little finger wastheir adoring big bro. Mason and Avery’s upcoming destination wedding was in the works, location still classified.
“Ten bucks says it’s another of Mason’s ridiculously luxurious safe houses,” Bridger wagered.
Tai snorted. “Sucker bet. Though I wouldn’t put it past him to rent out a private island.”
“Rent one? I think he already owns a couple.”
“Yeah, but who wants to get married on a secret Arctic archipelago?”
They peered out the window, catching sight of Graham helping their neighbor, Mrs. Tandy, carry a heavy load towards the farmhouse.
“He likes her.” Tai grinned, nodding towards the pair.
Bridger’s eyebrows shot up. “Ellen? Really?”
“Yup. I’m telling you. I see a future there.”
A warmth spread through Bridger’s chest that had nothing to do with the cabin’s crackling fire. Graham had been a father figure to them all, quietly supporting them through thick and thin. The hard-fighting Marine who had struggled so hard to rebuild his relationship with his daughter, Tenaya, deserved his own slice of happiness.
Bridger clapped the groom on the shoulder. “Looks like love is in the air for everyone in Redemption Creek. Even the old timers are getting in on the action.”
Tai’s grin widened. “Just wait till Fenn and Kate’s wedding. Ten bucks says he talks her into a full-blown circus theme.”
“Make it twenty,” Bridger countered. “And throw in a trapeze act for the first dance.”
Bridger adjusted his cufflinks, a gift from Tai for being his best man. “Speaking of weddings, what’s your take on Paige and Cody?”
Tai’s eyebrows shot up. “We’ll be hearing something soon for sure, but man, those two are more secretive than a classified op.”
“True,” Bridger chuckled. “But have you seen the way Cody looks at her when he thinks no one’s watching? Dude’s got it bad.”
Bridger’s eyes glinted with mischief. “Care to make it interesting? I bet Paige and Cody tie the knot before Kate and Fenn.”
Tai considered for a moment, stroking his chin. “No. No. No. You aresowrong, Amigo. Fifty bucks says Kate drags Fenn down the aisle first.”
“Deal,” Bridger grinned, extending his hand. They shook on it, sealing the bet.
“You know,” Tai mused, “for a bunch of hardened operatives, we’ve sure gone soft.”
Bridger laughed, the sound echoing off the cabin’s wooden walls. “Don’t let the bad guys hear that. We’d lose our street cred.”
As they finished getting ready, Bridger couldn’t help but marvel at how far they’d all come. From lone wolves to a tight-knit family, each finding their own bit of happiness in Redemption Creek. And if Paige and Cody were next ... well, he had fifty bucks riding on it.
His gaze drifted outside again. Jason was helping Alex out of his huge SUV. “And then there’s Reilly. The man that started it all.”
Tai grinned. “Who’d have thought the lone-est of the lone wolves would end up being such a softie?”
“Alex brings out a different side of him, for sure,” Bridger agreed. “He used to scowl at everything.”
“Now he’s all dopey grins and heart eyes,” Tai chuckled. “It’s almost disgusting.”
Bridger leaned against the window frame, his breath fogging the glass. “Remember when we first rolled into town? I was ready to bolt after the first week.”