Page 92 of Final Sins

Crude wiring snaked across the floor. Gabriel’s inexperience with IEDs was evident in the sloppy construction, but that only made them more dangerous.

How many more were hidden? Could he disarm them all in time?

Time slowed as he shifted into professional mode, weighing his options. Stay and attempt to neutralize the bombs, risking both their lives if he failed? Or flee, potentially exposing themselves to Gabriel if he was lying in wait outside? He hadn’t seen the slightest sign of anyone, but then again, he hadn’t really been looking.

In her semi-conscious state, Alex absently traced the scar on her forearm, mumbling, “At least ... this time ... I finally trusted the right man.”

Her words hit Jason like a lightning bolt. His gut instinct, honed by years of high-stakes operations, screamed at him to get her out. But it was more than that. It was faith—faith that they’d been brought together for a reason.

Faith that their story wasn’t meant to end here in a fiery explosion.

Decision made, he pulled Alex to her feet, ignoring the sharp tug of the sutures in his side. Getting patched up again would be a luxury—if they survived.

He propped her up against him, one arm supporting her weight while the other held his Sig Sauer at the ready. Every shadow could hide Gabriel, every second meant possible detonation.

The stairs seemed endless as they staggered upward, Jason’s senses on high alert for any sign of danger.

He pulled her through the living room and straight out the front door, free arm pinwheeling as he hauled both of them down the front stairs. Finally, they emerged into the sunlight, but he ran on, heart pounding as he half-carried, half-dragged Alex across the lawn, to the sidewalk.

He gently lowered her to the ground. Tension slammed through him with every beat of his heart. Her cousin wouldn’t have set a long countdown. Most amateurs over-estimated their own escape speed, often ending up victims of their own blasts.

The bombs would blow any second. It was a miracle they hadn’t detonated already. And a miracle the street was empty. For the moment.

“Stay here,” he ordered, his eyes already darting back to the building.

Alex grabbed his arm, her grip surprisingly strong despite her wooziness. “Jason, no. It’s too dangerous. We need to call the bomb squad.”

She was right. Absolutely. Only, he had no idea how many explosives Gabriel planted. Or how strong the blasts would be. They’d probably be safe this far away, but he couldn’t be certain.

He surveyed the area, assessing it with the practiced eye of a tactical expert. The neighboring hedges cast long shadows,creating perfect hiding spots for a potential assailant. To their left, a narrow alley offered a possible escape route, but it could just as easily be a death trap. The street at their backs left them exposed, easy targets for anyone with a long-range weapon.

His gaze settled on his rental SUV, parked about twenty yards away. Not ideal cover, but the best option available. “Come on.” He pulled her to her feet again. They made their way to the vehicle and crouched down behind it, its bulk shielding them from the house.

He glanced at his watch, then back at the building, calculating possible blast radii. Obtaining large quantities of low-tech explosive material wasn’t as easy as Hollywood made it look. He figured there’d be enough load to destroy the basement headquarters, which would decimate Alex’s home above as well. But the outer walls would contain much of the energy. Better to stay where they were than risk exposing themselves to whoever could be waiting in the shadows.

He set down his weapon and pulled out his phone, crouching closer to her. “I’m calling this in.”

He dialed 911, sketching in the situation as quicky and efficiently as possible. “Devices visible onsite,” he was careful to add. That single piece of info would heighten response times.

The dispatcher requested that he stay on the line, but Jason ignored him. He hung up, suddenly aware that Alex was studying him with clearer eyes.

She sat up straighter. “Hey, Army. Why’d you show up anyway?”

He tried to smile, but it felt more like a grimace. Now was not the time. He hadn’t exactly planned what he’d say, but he knew this wasn’t the venue. He brushed a hank of dark hair out of her eyes. “Long story. No time.”

“We’ve got time.”

The distant wail of sirens proved his point. He shrugged helplessly. “Later.”

It took less than two minutes for the first patrol car to roll into her driveway. But this would be a generic patrol unit. The bomb squad would take far longer. Too long, most certainly.

Another squad car squealed to a halt behind the first, followed closely by a fire engine that blocked the drive.

The bomb squad would be at least half an hour away. Most likely more.

Car doors slammed. Jason slid his handgun under the rental and prepared to rise to face the first responders. He didn’t want to risk any of the officers trying to head inside. Or shoot him.

“Mendoza,” he said gently, meeting her eyes. “Your cousin wouldn’t have let the timer go too long. Those IEDs are going to go off any second.”