Page 78 of Final Sins

His thoughts screeched to a halt as Gravy lunged forward, his face a mask of pain and rage.

“Dad,” Gravy’s voice cracked, heavy with years of unspoken hurt. “How could you?”

The older man sagged against Jason’s chest. “You were always a means to an end, boy. Calling in RAVEN, getting Alex’s team involved—it was all to lure in the real prize. Like I said. You were bait.”

The pointed admission punched Jason straight in the gut. He couldn’t imagine the pain Gravy must be feeling. But as heglanced at the younger man, he saw something unexpected—a glint of determination in Gravy’s eyes.

Suddenly, he understood. This confrontation wasn’t about family drama at all. Gravy was creating another distraction, giving them an opening.

The tension in the room ratcheted up another notch. Jason could practically taste the electric charge of emotions in the air. He caught Gabriel’s eye, then Paige’s, then Tai’s. Each gave him a subtle nod. His team was ready.

A soft crackle in his ear nearly made him jump. Cody’s voice came through, low and urgent. “I’ve got eyes on the situation. Alex and the others are in position. On your signal.”

Jason’s heart leapt. Comms were back. If they could just use them without tipping off the armed operatives ...

A deafening screech pierced the air, causing everyone to flinch. The ancient park’s PA system had inexplicably come to life, blaring a distorted carnival tune that echoed eerily through the abandoned structure. In that moment of confusion, several things happened at once:

Gravy tackled his father, catching both Jason and Munsinger off guard. Father and son tumbled to the ground in a tangle of limbs as Jason leapt clear.

Tai whipped out his concealed weapon and took out the two nearest Seven-Five operatives with precision shots to their shoulders, sending their own rifles flying.

Gabriel’s hologram emitters re-activated, projecting lifelike images of Jason’s team, and the RAVEN operatives storming into the room from multiple entry points.

Cody’s voice crackled through the comms again. “Drones deployed. Creating cover now!”

On cue, several small drones zoomed into the space, releasing thick clouds of smoke, further disorienting the last few Seven-Five operatives.

The room erupted into chaos. The cacophony of shouts, gunfire, and the still-blaring carnival music creating a surreal battlefield.

Jason sprinted for cover, using the confusion to his advantage. Kate and Fenn took out an agent each. Paige dropped the last one before Tai could fire, much to the big man’s disappointment.

The air stank of gunpowder and sweat. “Alex!” he shouted, his eyes scanning frantically for a glimpse of her in the melee.

A hand clasped his shoulder. Tai’s steady voice cut through his panic. “She’s fine, dude. Focus. I saw Gravy chase his dad back up the stairs. He’ll need help.”

Jason nodded, forcing himself to breathe. They knew this park, every creaky ride and overgrown path. Even if Munsinger had given his son the slip, Jason would track him down.

With pleasure.


Alex crouchedbehind the rusted hulk of an ancient bumper car, her heart pounding in the sudden silence. She hadn’t yet caught sight of Gravy or his father.

“I’m on my way,” Jason told her over the restored comlink. “Hang tight.”

No more than a few seconds later, he emerged from the entrance to the underground facilities. The smell of damp earth and decaying metal filled her nostrils as she locked eyes with Jason across the dilapidated fairground.

He jerked his head towards the looming silhouette of the old roller coaster.

“That’s the last of them,” he announced, triumph clear in his voice. “All hostiles neutralized, both teams safe and accounted for.” Weapon in hand, he eyed the area. “Gravy took off after his dad. We just need to round them up and we’re outta here.”

Relief washed over her, making her knees wobble. She looked at Jason, saw the same mix of exhaustion and elation mirrored in his eyes.

It was over. They’d won.

The rest was just mop up. They could leave a couple team members to watch over the four unconscious operatives by theentry gate and the eight men in the basement while the rest of them escorted Munsinger to the authorities. But first, they had to find him.

“A little help here, Cody?” Jason asked over the comlink.