“Uh, yeah!” Gabriel exclaimed, already halfway across the room.
Cody’s brow furrowed as he watched them go, his mouth set in a thin line. Alex bit back a smile, wondering if she should warn Gabriel he was accidentally moving in on Cody’s girl.
Meanwhile, Gravy was making his rounds, shaking hands and doling out compliments like they were party favors. “Man,this place is awesome! And you guys are so cool. It’s like being in a spy movie!”
It was like having a golden retriever around, all wagging tail and unbridled enthusiasm. But as she caught Jason’s eye across the room, his expression mirrored her own thoughts. What they really needed was a pit bull.
The savory aroma of Mason’s cooking wafted through the air, making her realize she hadn’t eaten anything but a couple power bars and a papaya since this time yesterday.
The teams settled around the large dining table. She couldn’t help but notice the contrast between them—her RAVEN operatives sun-kissed and relaxed beneath the strain of travel, Jason’s crew looking like they’d been through a war.
Bridger stumbled in the door, his usual crisp appearance replaced by rumpled clothes and a five o’clock shadow.
Tai eyed his friend. “Rough night?”
Bridger collapsed into a chair, running a hand over his face. “Jane’s having contractions. False alarm, but ...”
“Bridger’s about to be a dad,” Alex explained to the group. “Twins. Any day now.”
A chorus of congratulations and sympathetic murmurs filled the air. Gravy, ever the enthusiast, leaned forward. “Dude, that’s awesome! You’re gonna be like, a cool dad times two!”
Bridger managed a tired smile. “More like a zombie times two, I’m thinking.” He introduced himself to Liv and Mac and Gabe. “Thanks for coming.”
Her guys nodded politely. Probably she was the only one who spotted the wariness in Mac and Liv’s eyes.
The tantalizing scents of Mason’s creation, a heavenly blend of garlic, butter and oregano-scented tomato sauce lightened the mood like a burst of sunshine.
Jason cleared his throat. “Before we dig in, let’s say grace.”
A hush fell over the group. They bowed their heads. Jason’s deep voice resonated through the room, expressing gratitude for the food, and the team’s safety, and a special prayer for Jane and the twins.
Amens were still echoing around the table while Mason set out massive serving dishes piled high with spaghetti and meatballs along with perfectly-broiled garlic bread and an impossibly fresh-looking salad. Plates full, the conversation shifted to mission planning, ideas bouncing around the table like a pinball machine on overdrive.
Paige paused, fork halfway to her mouth. “What if we infiltrated their communications network?”
Gabriel’s eyes lit up. “I might have some tech that could help with that. If we could just?—”
“Whoa there, Einstein,” Mac interrupted, his gruff voice softening the words. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We need to consider the physical security too.”
Liv nodded, her earlier wariness melting as she engaged with the group. “Mac’s right. We need a multi-pronged approach.”
“Absolutely.” Mason jabbed a serving fork in Liv’s direction. “The lady is spot on.”
The gruff man’s praise earned him a sliver of a smile. The tiny expression was the equivalent of a bear hug from most people.
The meal progressed, plates growing emptier while the figurative pile of ideas grew higher. Tai and Mac compared notes on hand-to-hand combat techniques, their earlier suspicion replaced by mutual respect. Paige and Gabriel were lost in their own world of tech-speak, while Cody looked on, a mix of admiration and jealousy playing across his features.
Even Kate, the least talkative in Alex’s opinion, engaged in an animated discussion with her fiancé, Fenn, about the finerpoints of explosives. Alex caught Jason’s eye across the table, a silent understanding passing between them.
This could work.
“You know,” Gravy piped up, his mouth full of mashed potatoes, “my dad always said the best way to beat a bully was to make ‘em look stupid.”
Jason eyed his protege. “You might be onto something there, my man.”
Fenn nodded. “No joke.”
“Seriously.” Mason shot Gravy an approving look.