Page 54 of Final Sins

“So,” he said, drawing everyone’s focus back to him, “looks like we’re headed to San Francisco. Any objections?”

The team exchanged glances, a mix of excitement and determination on their faces. This was what they lived for. The chase. The challenge. The chance to make a difference.

But as his eyes met Alex’s, he felt an unfamiliar flutter in his chest. This mission was different. She was different.

For the first time in a long while, he wasn’t entirely sure what the outcome would be—for the mission, or for his heart.

After a hurried breakfast, the team dove deep into planning mode.

Freshly printed maps and blueprints sprawled across the dining table, mingling with half-empty coffee mugs and discarded snack wrappers.

Jason leaned in, his finger tracing a path on the San Francisco map. “So, we infiltrate Winthrop’s charity gala here, while Tai and Fenn set up surveillance on the perimeter.”

Paige nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. “I can hack into their security feed, give us eyes inside and out.”

“And I can get us in,” Alex added.

“Not. Gonna. Happen.” Jason cringed. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

“She’s perfect,” Tai said.

Mason and Graham echoed the thought.

Alex simply turned away from him and lifted her phone, texting quickly. She’d barely hit send when it dinged. She smiledstraight at him. “We’re in. Five tickets. You all have formal wear, I hope.”

Tai and Fenn did a high five. “Everybody but Cave Man here,” Tai jerked a thumb at Jason. “But I can hook him up.”

“In your dreams, dude. No way your old tux would fit me. I’d shred the shoulders.”

Tai laughed. “Don’t worry, little man. I still have the suit from my high school prom. I was way smaller then. Plus, the powder blue’ll go with your eyes.” He batted his own thick lashes Jason’s way.

The fear lodged tight in his belly eased a centimeter or two. Alex would be fine. She’d be surrounded by his team. Safer with them than back in LA.

The plan took shape, each team member contributing their expertise. As they ironed out the details, Jason couldn’t help but admire the seamless way Alex integrated with his team. It was like she’d always been there, filling a gap he hadn’t realized existed.

“Graham will stay back with Bridger,” he added. “They’ll guard Jane and the families.”

A chorus of agreement rippled through the room. Family always came first.

“Oh!” Alex’s exclamation cut through the chatter. “I almost forgot. We got DNA results from Gabe’s attacker. Nothing came up on our databases, but I’m thinking you’ve got more resources.”

Paige’s eyes lit up. “Send it over. I’ll run it through my channels, have an ID ASAP.”

A heavy hand landed on his shoulder. Mason, the team’s resident strong, silent type, stood beside him, his eyes knowing.

“Worried about your girl going into battle?” Mason’s voice was low, meant only for Jason’s ears.

Jason bristled. “She’s not my—I mean, we’re not?—”

Mason chuckled. “I get it. I’m engaged to Avery, remember? Frontline Federal Agent. It’s not easy, watching them walk into danger.”

“How do you handle it?” The question slipped out before Jason could stop it.

“Prayer,” Mason replied solemnly. “Lots and lots of prayer.”

Jason snorted. “Right. Well, Alex and I aren’t ... we’re not anything.”

Mason’s eyes twinkled. “Yet,” he said, before sauntering away.