Too much. She couldn’t afford it.

Hawk reached into the bag he was holding and pulled out a jeweled headpiece.

It took Pia a moment to realize the tiara wasn’t one of those plastic jewel concoctions that everyone wore on New Year’s Eve, but the real thing.

Her brain slowed, her mind caught in a moment of disbelief.

The diamond tiara in Hawk’s hand had a swirl pattern and was of equal thickness all around. Large diamonds also dangled within the swirls.

Hawk’s smile was tender and thoughtful.

Her eyes, wide with shock, remained fastened on his as he moved to settle the tiara on her upswept hair.

It was the first time in Pia’s life she’d ever worn a real tiara—though she’d donned plenty of make-believe ones, especially in her dreams.

“There,” he murmured, easing back, his eyes meeting hers. “I have pins to anchor it in place. I’ve been told it’s wise to do so, though I have no idea how to go about it.”

Pia swallowed hard.

“I wasn’t sure what color you’d be wearing,” Hawk said, his voice low and deep. “So I decided to go with a sure bet. The Carsdale Diamond tiara.”

She sucked in a breath, her brain refusing to function.

“G-good choice.”

Just inside the reception room, the guests continued their dancing and merriment, waiting for the countdown to the new year and heedless of the two people standing just outside one of the exits.

“It’s the traditional tiara worn by Carsdale brides,” Hawk said, his voice laden with meaning. “It was worn by my mother on her wedding day.”

Pia felt her heart constrict. It pounded loudly.

She couldn’t bear it if Hawk was toying with her. If this was a gambit to win her back into his bed even as he planned to marry Michelene or search for a properly-pedigreed duchess…

She bit her lip. “Why are you giving it to me to wear?”

“Why do you think?” he asked thickly, searching her face. “It’s a new year and a new beginning…I hope.”

“I—I don’t need a tiara to ring in the n-new year.”

Hawk touched her chin and rubbed his thumb over her lips.

“I know,” he responded tenderly. “The question is do you need a duke who is very much in love? He comes with a big house that needs someone who can preside over large and boring parties.”

Pia’s eyes welled.

Hawk cleared his throat. “You once fell for plain Mr. James Fielding, and it was the greatest gift that anyone ever gave me.”

Her shock turned into a crazy kind of hope as Hawk went down on bended knee. He fished a ring out of his pocket with one hand even as the other lifted one of hers.

Pia glanced down at Hawk and began to tremble with emotion. She reached up with her free hand to steady the tiara.

Hawk smiled up at her. “This is meant to match the tiara.”

Pia could hardly breathe despite his attempt at levity.

Hawk’s expression turned solemn, however. “Pia Lumley, I love you with all my heart. Will you do me the very great honor of marrying me and becoming my wife? Please?”

Her first proposal. Ever.