She’d felt an acute sadness for Hawk when she’d discovered what had precipitated his abrupt departure from her apartment after they’d slept together. Her parents were alive and well back in Pennsylvania, and while she didn’t have any

siblings, she imagined that Hawk had been understandably devastated by the unexpected loss of his brother.

None of this is intended as an excuse.

Hawk had still acted toward her as if he felt he was at fault and was feeling guilty. Of course, his brother’s untimely death didn’t explain why he hadn’t sought her out after their night together. Had the abrupt severing of ties made it easy for him to forget her? The thought hurt. And yet what other explanation could there be? She hadn’t meant enough to him.

And yet…

She knew even if she softened toward him, let their explosive chemistry play out to its natural conclusion, this time she would no longer be the naive virgin who was new in town. She could show Hawk that she could play in more sophisticated circles, too, these days.

He was flirting with her, and she could enjoy it and not become besotted.

Why couldn’t she be one of those women who enjoyed a fling or a casual hookup? She’d already had a one-night stand. With him.

These thoughts and more flitted through her mind.

Pia became aware of Belinda and Tamara staring at her.

She cleared her throat. “Hawk has been…helpful,” she hedged, and then shrugged. “I—I suppose I’m feeling ambivalent at best.”

“Ambivalent?” Belinda questioned, and then rolled her eyes. “Isn’t that one step away from infatuated these days? Pia, please tell me you’re not falling for the guy again.”

“Of course not!”

“Because you have a soft heart, and I’d hate to—”

“D-don’t worry. Once burned, twice shy.” She shrugged. “But I am planning his sister’s wedding, and I do need to be on cordial terms with him.”

“Great,” Tamara commented. “I’m so glad you won’t have any trouble being in Hawk’s company next weekend.”

Belinda frowned. “It’s not Hawk I’m worried about.”

Pia refused to admit that Hawk was the one she was worried about.

Hawk took another sip of his wine and his senses came fully alert.


He spotted her immediately when she came into the parlor of the Earl and Countess of Melton’s Upper East Side town house. But it was as if he’d been able to sense her presence even before seeing her.

She looked spectacular. Her high-waist sheath dress with its black bodice and white skirt flattered her curves, making her seem taller than she was and showing off her great legs in black patent peep-toe pumps.

He glimpsed the deep pink color of the nail polish on her toes, and his gut tightened.

Heaven help him, but she packed a wallop in a small package. It was almost as if she’d been sent to entice him—to test his best resolutions.

He started toward her, but was suddenly stopped by a staying hand on his arm.

He turned his head to look inquiringly at Colin, Marquess of Easterbridge.

Colin gave him a careless smile. “Careful there. Your lady-killer ways are showing.”

Hawk let the side of his mouth quirk up. “The opposite is more likely the case. She looks harmless but—”

Colin laughed shortly. “They all do.”

Hawk had no doubt the marquess was also referencing his own wife, Belinda Wentworth, who legally remained the Marchioness of Easterbridge. Hawk was curious about the exact state of affairs between Colin and Belinda these days, but he didn’t want to pry. Colin was an enigma even to his friends at times.