* * *
“Ilove you, my Sunshine Girl. Please don’t leave me.”
I open my eyes, expecting to see his handsome face, but the bed is empty. As promised, Dylan is gone.
The sun streams through the window, made more brilliant by the piles of snow.
I sit up, trying to recapture the fragments of dream floating around my brain. My mother, foster mother and Merry were all there, and none were too happy with me. I can’t recall the exact words, but I remember the sentiment.
I’m not a curse. I’m a blessing. Marissa and Estelle are alive because of me, not in spite of me.
As for Dylan, a future with him in it is far better than one without him.
One without Marissa.
Perhaps future plans are nothing more than a series of compromises, carving an alternative path that’s even more beautiful.
Either way, I need to speak to Dylan. And I need to get into town for the Yule festival.
I jump into the shower, letting the scalding water kick start my blood and releasing a hissed curse as the spray hits my wounded wrist. It’s a minor injury, but it makes everyday activities like hair brushing and dressing a battle royal.
After five minutes, I give up, winding my long hair into a topknot and sticking a hat over my head. There. It’s not pretty, but it’ll do.
I hope. I hope I’m not too late. I close my eyes, my mind replaying Dylan’s face as he moved inside me. So slow. He drew out the lovemaking into an all-night event, wringing orgasm after orgasm from my body.
We also didn’t use anything, but I will not read into it. Or the fact that when I pulled out a condom, he tossed it across the room and seared inside me, leaving no room for argument.
I dash downstairs and fling open the door. My car is covered in about six inches of snow, so I begin haphazardly pushing it off with my hands. I am so ill-equipped for Montana winters.
Estelle clears her throat behind me, handing me a long-handled scraper. “It works better with the proper tool. In that much of a hurry to leave?”
“Dylan told you?”
Estelle nods, frowning into her mug of coffee. “My son isn’t perfect. In fact, the way he handled many things with you is deplorable. But he adores you. Marissa adores you. Hell, I adore you. I just wish you didn’t feel that you had to go. Dylan kept hanging around this morning, hoping you’d rouse before he left. Hoping he’d have one last chance to plead his case. But you were sound asleep. So, he left you this.”
She hands me a folded piece of paper, which I accept with trembling hands. “Should I read it now?”
“I wouldn’t wait.”
I unfold the document, tears springing to my eyes at the first line.
I love you, my Sunshine Girl. Please don’t leave me.
But that’s selfish, right? Asking someone to stay if that’s not what is in their heart. I want you to follow your heart wherever it leads. Even if it leads you away from me. Know this, though—I’ll forever be glad you came to Yuletide Acres and I got to hold you once again.
You’ll always be my true love, no matter the miles between us.
Always yours,
“Well?” Estelle asks, a smile pulling up the corners of her mouth.
“Where is he?”
“At the arena.”
“I thought he was out of town.”