“Do you miss Mom?” Marissa asks, leaning against me.
“I do. She was a brilliant woman. She was one of my best friends in the entire world.” It’s the truth. Merry and I grew up together. She knew everything about me, including my deep love for Poppy.
“Why don’t you like Poppy? She likes you.”
I glance at Marissa. “I don’t dislike Poppy, but she’s part of my past.”
“Daddy, if she’s here now, she’s part of your present, too.”
I swear, this kid is smarter than I’ll ever be. “You think I should give Poppy another chance?”
Marissa nods. “I think you should say you’re sorry for being a doody-head.”
I chuckle, dropping a kiss on my daughter’s head. Out of the mouths of babes. “Fair enough, Cupcake. I’m surprised by how well you’ve taken to Poppy.”
“I knew she was coming.”
My gaze narrows at my daughter. “What do you mean?”
“Mom visits me in my dreams. She told me that Poppy was coming.”
I feel my heart rate accelerate. This is too close to what Poppy claimed as her reason for moving to Yuletide Acres. It couldn’t be true. Could it? “Your Mom visits you? That’s nice. Do you have fun with her?”
Marissa huffs out a sigh. “No, Dad. She’s not real. She’s in my dream. But she told me that Poppy would come, and I would know her when I saw her.”
“Are you sure it’s Poppy?”
“Positive. Mom brought Poppy to us, to make us happy.”
I stroke Marissa’s hair until her breathing becomes even, and I slip from her bedside. At this point, I’m not sure what to make of the situation. But the more I hear, the more I realize that Poppy’s appearance here is no coincidence.
It’s destiny.