Troy rolls his eyes, hitting the desk with his fist. “Why don’t you just say it?”
“Say what?”
“You don’t want me around Poppy. Come on, man, you’ve come up with more bullshit excuses to keep me away from her. I figured you had a thing for her, but then I find out you invited Gayle to the bar last night, so that negates that idea. So, what is it? What do you dislike about Poppy?”
I toss the folders on my desk, my hands on my hips. “I really don’t want to get into this now.”
“Dylan, I stood up with you at your wedding. We’ve been friends forever. If there’s something wrong with her, if she’s trouble, let me know.”
“She’s the best kind of trouble.”
“What does that mean?”
“You remember the woman that I met while I was traveling the country?”
“Yeah, the one you always regretted leaving?” A flash of realization moves across his face. “That’s Poppy?”
“Wow. Is she a stalker?”
“No. We didn’t know each other’s last names. It was some coincidence that brought her here. To hear her tell it, it was Merry.”
“She knew your wife?”
“She claims that Merry started visiting her in a dream, telling her to come here. So, she did.”
Troy rubs his chin, chuckling at my words. “She’s off her rocker crazy. No surprise, most hippies are.”
“She’s not crazy. I think it’s a sign.” Troy and I swing our gazes toward Susan as she pokes her head in the door.
“I don’t know what it is,” I mumble, although I tend to agree with my secretary. “But I would appreciate it if you’d let me have some room to maneuver with Poppy. I need to try to repair the damage I caused last night.”
Troy hesitates for a few moments before blowing out a resigned sigh. “Figures that the most beautiful woman to show up in a decade belongs to the mayor.”
“Hey,” Susan barks, narrowing her eyes. “We’re not all wildebeests, you know.”
Troy leans over, pecking Susan on the cheek. “No darling, but you’re already taken.” He grabs his hat off the desk, sending me a pointed look. “Apparently, so is Poppy.”
I watch my friend leave, grateful that at least one obstacle is crossed. Troy is good to his word. If he says he’ll back off, he will. No questions asked. I peer to my left, noting Susan’s disapproving glare. “Don’t even say it.”
“Say what? What an utter jerk you are for what you did to both Gayle and Poppy last night? When I left, you two were so cozy together. What happened?”
“Gayle showed up.”
“According to Gayle, you asked her to meet you at the bar.”
I rub my brow, knowing there’s no way to avoid looking like a total douche. “I did.”
“And then proceeded to love up Poppy? Dylan, what the hell?”
“I messed up. I got lost in Poppy, which is what always happens when I’m with her. I totally forgot about everything else, including Gayle.”
“So, this is Poppy’s fault? Hmm, I don’t buy it.” Susan glowers at me, tossing some files onto my desk. “Might I suggest something?”
“You will, regardless.”
“You’re in love with Poppy, right? Don’t bother answering. I know you are. Start giving her reasons to love you back, because you’ve supplied her with a lifetime of reasons not to.”