Zoey’s is the newest of the Hawkeyes WAGs, now dating Brent Tomlin, Tessa’s older brother, but our girls group is the blood oath kind so she’s been brought up to speed, swearing to take all secrets to her grave.
Autumn leans forward past me to make eye contact with Keely. “You mean the one who just got out of prison last year for racketeering?"
"Yeah," Keely nods, her voice barely above a whisper.
I reach out and squeeze Keely's hand. "You don't owe him a response if you don't want to." She nods, staring down at her toes in the water. "What did he say?"
Keely shrugs and lets out a defeated sigh. "Nothing much. Just that he wants to meet up, catch up on lost time. But I don't know if I'm ready for that. And with everything going so well with Reeve and the team... I'm just worried, you know? I don't want to bring unwanted attention to the team or Reeve over this."
I understand her concern about the news outlets getting a hold of this story. Having a father with a criminal record for paying off players to throw a game isn't exactly something you want broadcast when you're dating one of the star players of an NHL team. And if Charles knew I was holding this story back, he’d probably fire me or at least demote me to Fact Checker.
If she weren't dating Reeve who plays for a professional team, this story wouldn't matter to any reporter anyway, but since it does, it’s the kind of click bait thatThe Seattle Sunrisewould salivate over.
"Hey," I say, trying to sound reassuring. "The ties to your father aren't easy to find unless someone already knows where to look. And even if it does come out, it's the kind of news story that would barely make the front pages. The press would be onto something new by Monday."
Autumn bends forward in her chair on the other side of me, making eye contact with Keely and nods in agreement. "Absolutely. And with my years in PR, trust me, we could spin this story into a positive faster than you can sayredemption arc."
Keely's shoulders relax a bit. "You think so?"
"Of course," I say, giving her hand another squeeze. "You became a physical therapist to give back to the sports community, right? That's a beautiful story of overcoming adversity and choosing a different path. People eat that stuff up. And I think a lot of people can relate to wanting to excommunicate a family member."
A small smile tugs at Keely's lips. "Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Speaking of your situation," I say, lowering my voice, "Reeve stopped me in the hallway to ask me if I had heard from you yet. I swear the poor guy still thinks you might bolt to protect him if a story gets out about your dad.” It's really sweet to see how much Reeve loves Keely. "Bex caught us in the hallway."
Keely's eyes widen. "Oh no, did Reeve tell him about my dad?"
I shake my head quickly. "No, no. Bex was just being Bex. He didn't hear our conversation but I think he’s so worried that it’s getting to him out on the ice a little. Just talk to him and let him know what’s going on."
Autumn leans in, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Oh? And how exactly was Bex being Bex?"
I roll my eyes, recalling our confrontation. "Oh, you know, the usual. Accusing me of distracting his players, demanding to know what Reeve and I were talking about. He even suggested I was 'working an angle' or something."
Autumn's eyebrows shoot up. "Sounds on brand with how you two have been coexisting the last several months. Now that you mention it, I've been hearing some whispers around the office about a huge blow-up in Sam's office two weeks ago. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
I groan, sinking lower in my chair. "God, is nothing sacred in that place? Yes, there was a... disagreement in Sam's office. Bex isn't thrilled about me traveling with the team for away games. I sort of thought we got past it over lemonade and British wieners, but I guess we didn’t."
“Weiners?” Zoey gasps.
“It sounds more exciting than it was, trust me,” I tell them as they gawk at me.
Keely doesn’t miss a beat, she’s far too used to me by now. "But the travel arrangements have been set since the beginning, right? So he has no say?" she asks, her brow furrowed in confusion.
"Exactly!" my voice coming off a little too loudly. A few heads turn in our direction, and I lower my voice again. "It was all arranged and approved by Phil Carlton himself. But apparently, Coach Grumpy Pants thinks I'm going to be a 'distraction' to the team."
Keely's face softens. "Aw, Bex isn't that bad. He was really supportive when Reeve was in the hospital after that terrible hit."
I can't help but scoff. "Yeah, well, he has a funny way of showing support. You should have heard some of the things he said. He practically accused me of being some tabloid vulture out to ruin his team's chances at the playoffs."
Autumn hides a smirk behind her hand. "And what exactly did you say in response?"
I feel my cheeks heat up, remembering my sharp response. "I corrected him on some choice words I used to describe him in an article last year."
Zoey gasps. "You didn't!"
"Oh, she did," Autumn chuckles. "I remember that article. What was it? Something about a bridge troll?"
I groan again. "Don't remind me. That article is coming back to bite me right on the tuchus."