Jordan chews thoughtfully for a moment, then offers, "That sounds... like your job, though? And you’ve been salivating at the idea of getting the dirty scoop on the sexy as sin Coach since you started covering the Hawkeyes. What seems to be the problem?"
I sit up, grabbing my phone again, and scroll through the email until I find the part that makes my stomach flip. "He wants more insight into his life. Personal stuff. I don’t think he’s looking for a puff piece. He wants me to dig deep."
Jordan’s face softens with understanding. "Ah. That’s a tricky spot to be in."
"Tell me about it," I mumble, dropping my phone back onto the bed.
Jordan doesn’t say anything for a second, then she nudges me with her shoulder, a mischievous grin starting to spread across her face. "Okay, so... you and Bex. You wanna talk about the fact that you've been spending anawfullot of time together?"
My cheeks instantly flame. "I don’t know what you’re talking about."
Jordan rolls her eyes. "Oh, come on, Ro. You can’t fool me. I can see it. The ‘I slept with a hot hockey player twice and don’t know how to act’ look."
I stare at her, my mouth opening and closing like a fish before I finally let out a strangled, "How do you evenknowthat?"
"Because I’m your sister, and I know everything," she says, her grin widening as she nudges me again. "So spill. How was it?"
I groan, dropping my face into my hands thinking about how he almost took out a ref on the ice because of how jealous he was of Drew sitting next to me. "I shouldn’t even be telling you this. I should forget it happened and get back to work."
"Nope, no hiding from me. We’re in too deep now," she teases, yanking my arm away so I can’t hide. "I need details. Was it good? Where did you do it?"
I feel like my face is about to catch fire. "Yes, it was good, okay? I’m not telling you where. I’m not sure if we could get in trouble for it."
Jordan cackles, clearly enjoying my embarrassment way too much. "Oh my God, did you do it in the locker room showers?
“Eww gross, no! I don’t even want to know what’s on the floors in those showers.”
“Okay fine,” she says crunching down on another chip. “Big gloves, big stick, though, right?"
"Stop!" I smack her with a pillow, laughing despite myself. "But seriously, Jordan, it’s complicated. He’s…complicated."
Jordan sobers up just a little, still smiling but with more curiosity now. "Complicated how? I mean, you like him, right? What’s stopping you?"
I hesitate. I like him—there’s no denying that—but it’s more than that. The way Bex looks at me, like he’s constantly battling himself. And then there’s everything he said the night in the limo, accusing me of using him. And... There's something I haven’t told Jordan yet.
"We didn’t use protection," I blurt out before I could stop myself.
Jordan’s grin falters, and her brows shoot up to her hairline. "Wait, hold up. You mean—"
"Ican’tget pregnant," I interrupt quickly. "I know that. And Bex knows that, too, but... it also feels like the act is reckless for other reasons."
Jordan stares at me for a moment, and then she shakes her head. "Okay, so... he’s an ex hockey player with baggage. Big deal. Guys are idiots sometimes, especially when they’ve been burned before."
I nod, but the knot in my chest doesn’t loosen. "He’s been hurt by reporters before. That’s why he doesn’t trust me. He thinks I’m just like the others—only interested in a story. It’s like, no matter what I do, he won’t let his guard down."
"Yeah, well, maybe if he stopped being such a block of ice..." Jordan teases, but then she softens her tone. "Listen, Ro. Bex isn’t some regular guy. He’s a pro athlete, and he’s probably used to keeping people at a distance. The money and the shiny lights have a way of bringing in the vultures but that doesn’t mean you can’t break through. But if you want anything more with him, you’re going to have to trust him, too. That means being honest."
I bite my lip. "If I catch real feelings for him and can’t write the article that Charles wants, it could cost me my job.”
Jordan shrugs. "Then I guess you have to ask yourself if a future with him is worth it.”
I roll my lips together as I think over her words. “He doesn’t want kids.”
"Maybe that’s what you need. For someone to take the pressure off of you, and for you to take the pressure off yourself. You could be happy together, without all the stuff that hurt you before."
Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. Is that what Bex would be for me? Someone who wouldn’t leave because I can’t give him a family? There’s something incredibly appealing about that, about the idea of being with someone who won’t resent me for not being able to have kids. But there’s also a tiny, painful part of me that hates the idea of closing that door forever.
"I don’t know," I say, quieter this time. "I always thought maybe I could adopt one day... or meet someone who already had kids. Being with Bex means giving that up."