When Nicholas rang, Sophie had just finished packing. ‘Wanted to wish you a safe journey,’ he said.
‘Thank you.’Why did she answer the phone?She was meant to be moving on.
‘…And…’ he said.
There was always an “and”. Just a little opener to start the ball rolling, keep the chat alive.
‘…And I also wanted to say that there’s no need for you tofeel guilty.’
‘I’m sorry? What do you mean?’ she asked.
‘I bit the apple, Sophie. My choice. After the drought, you came along and offered me so much…’
‘Look, Nicholas, this isn’t the time for a heart to heart. I’m leaving in a few minutes.’Don’t you churn me up again, with your flattery.‘My flight’s at ten thirty. Damien’s taking me to the airport.’
‘Oh. I would have taken you. Why didn’t you ask?’
‘Don’t start that nonsense. I can hardly imagine you driving up to London just to give me a lift.’
‘Maybe you’re wrong.’
‘Be a good chap – let’s drop this one.’
‘Why are you so angry with me, Sophie?’
‘Because you’re selfish. I’m a distraction when you need a boredom fix.’ She opened the zip of her bag. Passport, keys, credit card, yes.
‘How can you say that? I have always been there for you. Drove up from Bournemouth in the middle of the night when you burnt your hand. Took you to the hospital and didn’t even bother to hide it from Kate.’
Sophie hesitated.
‘True,’ she replied almost apologetically. ‘I was very surprised.’
But why should she be surprised? Isn’t that what you’d normally expect from someone who’s a dear friend? Next, he’ll be totting up the presents he’s given you.
She glanced at her face in the mirror. She looked so confident. On top of things.
Go on, Sophie, tell him what you really think.
She started well enough.
‘Yes, you tipped up in an emergency,’ she said. ‘Nicholas to the rescue. That was very good of you. But here’s the thing. You’ll never be around on Christmas Day. Wild horses wouldn’t dragyou away from your family. Of course, that’s how it should be.
But it’s not good enough for me. Waiting for the holidays to be over, so I can see you again.’
She paused.Oops!Too much information. Okay, stop now! You sound like the pathetic, self-pityingmistress you are.
‘Darling, please! I don’t want to lose you. I need your friendship… I can talk to you. Say what I feel…’
‘Great for you.’ Her mouth was dry. It was getting late. She needed to go.
Just finish it. Now, Sophie, now!
‘How did I ever get caught up in this half-cooked relationship? I know I’m culpable too, but it was up to you to stop it if you weren’t going to leave your wife. Not keep me hanging on. The truth is that you’re weak. Why bother to make waves? Better to stay in your comfort zone, especially if you can get your kicks from someone else without any consequences.’
There was a silence on the phone… She could hear him take a deep breath for the next round of blarney.
Oh no you don’t. I won’t let you reel me in.