‘Oh good,’ Anna said brightly. ‘I thought you’d forgotten I was coming.’
‘Come in,’ she whispered. ‘But we have to be quiet – Peter’s here.’
‘What’s the matter? You look worried,’ Anna said.
‘It’s okay. He’s just not feeling too well.’
‘What happened?’
‘He lost a patient during an operation yesterday. He was very upset. Didn’t sleep all night.’
‘It must be terribly hard,’ Anna said.
‘Yes, but fortunately for him it’s very rare.’
Claudia sat down at the dining room table, Anna opposite her, and gave Anna the cards.
‘I can understand why Peter might think this is trivial,’ said Anna, shuffling the cards.
‘Boundaries, Anna,’ snapped Claudia. ‘It’s really not your business what Peter thinks. And he would never use the word “trivial” about what I do, even if that’s what he believes.’
‘Sorry, Claudia, that was tactless of me.’ Anna had always been frightened of her friend’s temper. Claudia never raised her voice, even when she was angry. ‘I really didn’t mean to be intrusive, but whenever he’s around he seems in a mood. And last time you said…’
‘Now then, let’s change the subject and get back on course.’ Claudia spread the cards on the table. ‘What would you like toask?’
‘The same question as last time. You said it would be a good idea to get a wider perspective. Will Damien and I have a romantic future together?’
‘So, why don’t you pull three cards on it?’
Anna’s finger hovered over the deck.
Maybe she shouldn’t have asked the question. Perhaps all her fantasies would be shot to pieces…
Come on, just get on with it. He’s still going to help you with your book.
Claudia wasn’t surprised. The first card was just as she thought. ‘Well, Anna. The Knight of Wands and the Devil – it’s unlikely any single female can give him what he wants and keep him interested. He’s a man who craves the sensuality and excitement of many women.’
‘Oh dear. I’m not sure I want to be part of a harem.’
‘But with the Nine of Cups you could have fun. It’s the hedonist card. Take it as it comes. Enjoy it, relax, don’t be heavy or he will run for the hills. If you can do that and not be disappointed when he disappears as quickly as he appeared, it could be what the doctor ordered.’ Claudia gestured towards the cards. ‘Why not ask if this is what you need?’
‘Okay, here goes.’
‘The Chariot, that’s great. Focus on a heroic goal. Work hard, be organised. Keep the two sides of your life apart. Don’t mix business with pleasure. Focus on your book with him. The main course, no flirting. Save the sex for dessert. By harnessing the power of both, you achieve your ambition.’
Chapter 8
Early morning and Sophie was having second thoughts. Reading the list of side effects of Viagra had made her feel queasy.
What if I kill him? He could have a heart attack! No, surely not.
Strong as an ox, he said he was. Only been to hospital to visit friends and relatives.
But all the other possibilities? Blindness, nausea, headache, backache…
It was Claudia’s fault. She had fired her imagination and now she would be up all night, grappling with her conscience.
She called Damien first. After the art show she’d phoned him and they’d spent some time together. They enjoyed each other’s company, going to lunch, going to the theatre, having coffee.