‘That’s a pretty good story. Where’s he staying?’
‘For the last couple of days he said with his uncle in Shepherd’s Bush, but he’s moving on to somewhere else.’
‘I must admit the uncle bit makes him sound wholesome. That’s if it’s true.’
Yes, it could all be lies, said the Voice.Maybe he’s some crazy stalker…
‘Well, he was very convincing,’ said Angus. ‘You could meet him here at the office if you like?’
‘Steady on, I haven’t agreed to anything yet. Did he tell you anything about himself?’
‘A little. He wants to study mathematics at university. Says his dream is to do his postgraduate studies at Cambridge and he’s sporty.’
‘Sounds an interesting young guy.’
‘So, what would you like me to do? Shall I give him your email?’
‘No,’ Damien said. ‘Why don’t you text me his number? It’s so much easier on the phone to find out if the guy’s on the level.’
‘Okay. Will do.’ Angus rang off and Damien went back to his ironing.
Another student from abroad, he thought.Are the cards teasing me again?He flattened the collar of his shirt and carefully pressed the edges. Maybe this new guy would make his life as difficult as Frances had. Not that he wasn’t fond of Frances. He’d tried to break it off, but she had a way of creeping back into his life. Indeed, she’d rung him last night, crying.
‘I’m late,’ she said.
‘For what?’ said Damien.
‘I’ve missed my period. It’s happened before, but I feel different this time.’
‘So, have you had a test?’
‘Not yet – it’s too soon.’
‘How many days?’
‘Well, no point in worrying yet, then.’
‘But it’s unusual for me.’
‘Let’s not jump the gun.’
‘I’ll wait a week, then I’ll do a test.’
Three days. She could simply be stressed. Worried that things hadn’t worked out the way she’d planned and that he wasn’t going to be her ever-after.
Damien went quiet.
Frances carried on her anxious chatter. Could she come and see him? She missed him so much. Didn’t want to lose him as a friend.
He hadn’t rung her for a week. He felt guilty, mainly because there was some satisfaction in knowing that he was the one that was loved and not the lover. But who knows? Perhaps she’d wear him down. She was both irritating and adorable. Yes, hemissed her. Perhaps he’d ring her next week. Take her out for lunch.
Good. Maybe you’re learning, said the Voice.Isn’t it funny? All the women who have loved you. Your huge success, everything that on the surface should have been a life well lived has ended up on the scrap heap.
Damien had tried to push the Voice to the back of his mind, but now that there were no distractions he was stuck with his uncomfortable friend. One who didn’t flatter him or pander to his ego, one who let him know the real score.
You’re a good man, Damien– that we know. A 24-carat gold approval from the media. Essential reading for the gossip columns. But what about your bleeding heart? You started a fabulous journey and then Laura’s lies, the love of your life, messed you up. Sent you down the manhole.