‘Ah, Judgement,’ Claudia said. ‘The wake-up call and rebirth. Can you see the people coming out of their coffins? A new dawn. This is a great card and shows absolute clarity.’

Damien’s mouth was dry. He poured himself a glass of water and took a sip. ‘But I don’t have clarity. There’s no direct answer to my question. Laura’s past is still a mystery to me, and I can’t find peace until Iknow the truth.’ He spat the words into the air and banged his thigh with his fist.

Steady on, don’t be so dramatic, said the Voice.No need to frighten away the pigeons.

Damien laughed to himself.

‘Well, it should all be clear very soon. Let’s move on,’ Claudia said. ‘Pull another card to see what happens next.’

Damien ran his hands over the deck, trying to see if one would “speak” to him.

‘This is so difficult.’ He sighed. ‘It’s like Russian roulette. Could be that I’m going to shoot myself in the head.’

Come on. Don’t keep the lady waiting, ordered the Voice.

‘Just pull any card,’ Claudia directed. ‘The right one will find you.’

Damien handed her another, face down.

‘There you are,’ she said, turning it over. ‘The Ace of Swords. That’s the card of pure truth and logic. Cutting the negativity out of your life. Clarity will come to you.’

Good, we’re on the right road, said the Voice.Don’t stop now. Keep on going.

‘One more question?’

‘Yes,’ Claudia replied.

‘How can I stop being in disastrous relationships?’

That’s good, said the Voice. Right to the point.

‘The fact that you’re asking the question shows you’re ready to have an honest and mutually fulfilling connection,’ Claudia replied. ‘Now, pull a card for your past.’

Damien drew one from the deck.

‘The Devil!’ she said. ‘You love drama and passion. Lust and temptation. The card signals addictive behaviour and co-dependency. The sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll. Quite frankly, you’ve a history of sadomasochistic relationships. Now, choose a card for the present.’

He was quick to take one. Best not to dwell on the past.

Yes, that’s it – let’s bury the Devil, said the Voice.Here’s your chance to sort out what you really need, not just what you want.

‘Six of Cups, much healthier. Now you understand what makes you happy. What you need is loving companionship. Possibly with someone you’ve known for a while, or maybe a person with whom you feel a connection from a past life experience.’

‘Will I be happy?’ Damien asked wistfully.

Those soulful eyes searching for answers.

This Damien would melt most women, Claudia thought to herself.

‘I want you to pull one last card,’ she said.

Damien was ready to take what he was given. Follow the path that destiny had dealt him. For a moment, he stroked his chosen card with the tip of his finger. He turned it over.

‘Ten of Pentacles. There you have it,’ Claudia said. ‘This is the completion of the family – roots, belonging, security and harmony. Maybe you’ll find a connection with someone related to your past, extended family, that will bring you happiness and stability. This is a lovely card for meaningful relationships.’

He really didn’t care who came and from where.

What he did know was that someone would bring himhappiness. Claudia had shone the light. Opened up his mind, given him hope.