‘Whenever you’re free. Sooner rather than later would be best. I know a lovely hotel near Cagliari. Fabulous food, right on the beach, beautiful rooms… beginning of August?’
‘Sounds lovely.’ Sophie’s eyes sparkled in the candlelight. ‘I can’t wait.’
In his mind’s eye, Damien imagined the besotted couple making love. He dipped a finger in his wine glass and lightly circled the rim. The high-pitched sound hummed through the still night air.
Claudia gently nudged him. ‘Damien… Damien?’
‘What is it?’
‘Are you serenading the two lovebirds?’
‘Justin and Anna.’
‘No, I’m not. Nicholas and Sophie are much more interesting, mainly because they’re an unlikely pair.’ He narrowed his eyes and focused on Nicholas’s face. ‘Look at the way he’s gazing at Sophie, all goggle-eyed. He seems obsessed with her, totally consumed, but then look at his chin…’
Damien had stopped circling the glass.
‘Yes, it’s weak,’ Claudia said. ‘He’s the sort of man who can be buffeted by the wind. Change his mind at any point of time. He’s not a safe bet. But he’s very charming. Sophie likes that.’
‘He’s a romantic, like me.’ Damien had lassoed the conversation back to himself. ‘That’s why I’m always disappointed,’ he said. ‘The reality never matches up to my fantasies…’ He winced at what he could guess was playing out beneath the linen tablecloth between Nicholas and Sophie.
‘Oh, Sophie,’ Nicholas said, ‘you’re very naughty.’ She had slipped her hand under the table and placed it between histhighs.
Put on your social smiley face, Nicholas, thought Damien.Don’t just stare into space, and your mouth– stop gawping.
Damien felt sorry for him. It was embarrassing. It was obvious that Nicholas was a novice and, in a way, it was cruel of Sophie to initiate him surrounded by acquaintances. Better to be in a restaurant, at a corner table, where the waiters ignored such intimacies.
Mind you, Sophie was an excellent player. A sophisticated mistress of the game with her demure smile as she dipped in and out of random conversations with her friends, and her insouciant laugh when someone made a witty remark.
Damien gave her a wink.
Sophie blew him a kiss with her free hand.
‘Nicholas,’ she whispered, ‘isn’t this fun?’
‘If you like torture.’
‘Oh, I’m sorry…’ she said, ‘shall we have a coffee break?’
In truth, Nicholas wasn’t sure how he was going to handle the pay-off.
Sophie tiptoed her fingers down to his knee.
‘No, don’t stop, please…’
She trotted her fingers up again.
At last, Nicholas was heading for the home run.Just stay cool, dude. You can do it. Keep that poker face. Nearly there.
It was all going so well…