‘Well, it was good to meet you,’ he said. ‘Do you want to visit the ladies first?’
‘No, it’s okay.’
‘That’s good, a bladder like a camel.’ Couldn’t he see that she was desperate to leave?
Maybe if she took a taxi, she’d be back in time to see herfavourite show,Someone Like Us, a programme about ordinary people who had secret habits like shoplifting and stealing deliveries left outside houses.
‘Sorry, I really have to go. I have a dinner appointment,’ she said.
And on she went, eager to meet the man who would whisk her off to Sardinia and treat her like a precious jewel.
But no one came. Nothing changed.
Until that Monday…
Chapter 17
Anna’s morning began as usual.
First: wake up, wash, make-up, dress.
Then: radio on, Magic FM and a quick cup of coffee.
Next: check the dating app.
Messages: yes.
Message:We seem to be a good match, what do you think?
A generic one-liner from Hopeful Dick, Essex.
Anna glanced at his picture and winced. He was hideous. A shiny bald head, tiny eyes, a ring in his nose and a thin, sadistic smile.
She scrolled down his profile page, a game she played just to see if the personality matched the face.
Occupation:Ask me later
Dating activities:Cooking at home and walking. Favourite food Indian
Anna disliked Indian food and there was no mention of restaurants, theatreortravelling.
Turn-ons:Erotica, flirting, dancing, skinny dipping
Her eyes flickered and her mouth twitched.
Personality traits:Wild, thrill-seeking, adventurous, sexy
Valued qualities in a partner:Wild, thrill-seeking, adventurous, sexy
Anna wondered how on earth she – a woman who had not only been bedded by celebrity writer Damien Spur, but who had been mentored by him – she, who had been the queen of the social scene, and indeed still mixed with some very chic people, could have been contacted by such a creep.
Her lovely profile photos, her sophisticated likes:Fine dining, travel, theatre
Her sort of man:Handsome, wealthy, cultured, etc.
A zero match.