‘I can’t hear you properly,’ Sophie replied. ‘It’s very bad reception here. You’re cutting in and out.’ She moved out of the bedroom onto the terrace.

Evelyn raised her voice. ‘I said are there any nice men? Can you hear me now?’

‘Yes, Mother, loud and clear.’


‘Is that all you rang to ask?’ Sophie sighed. ‘I’m here to paint. Not to find a husband.’

‘But why not? Wouldn’t it be nice to meet someone with the same interests?’


‘It’s a perfect opportunity. I did a little search on the internet about the woman who is running the course. Her name’s Marie Fournier, isn’t it?’ Evelyn didn’t bother to wait for an answer. ‘She’s old money, owns the chateau. Her family tree is impeccable. She must know everyone.’

Come on, tell her. At least it will give her something to dream about.

‘I think she does,’ Sophie replied. ‘In fact, if it makes you feel any better, just so you don’t think the trip is wasted, she’s invited me to a soirée at the neighbouring chateau this evening.’

Evelyn sounded as if she’d been gifted a diamond. ‘That’swonderful, darling! Probably the word has got round that there’s a pretty woman in the group. Or maybe a sighting at the local village? So they asked Marie if she could bring you to the party. I am so pleased. A good old-fashioned introduction to Bordeaux society. How exciting!’ Evelyn raced on.

Sophie held the phone away from her ear.

‘I’m sure there are lots of rich men who own the vineyards. I might even know the winery. Happy to do the research if you need me. Sophie? SOPHIE! Can you hear me?’ she shouted.

‘Mother, stop. It’s not your life – it’s mine. You’re making me feel desperate.’

‘Sorry, yes. But you know me. I’m a romantic. Want to see you fall in love again. Or at least find someone who can look after you. Okay, I’ll let you go. I’m sure you’ll want to get yourself scrubbed up for the party. Is there a hairdresser in the village?’

‘I don’t know. Haven’t looked for one.’

‘Well, do tell me what happens.’

‘I will, Mum.’

‘Thank goodness that you’ve left that other chap,’ Evelyn said.

‘Other chap presupposes I have a new man,’ replied Sophie.

‘I just know that someone is going to come into your life. I have always been psychic. So glad that you’ve finally come to your senses. Now you’re free of him, you’ll see how much better your life will be. No more hiding… like that Venice trip.’

Sophie looked at her watch: 6 p.m.! Her mother had been talking for an hour.

‘I’ve really got to go. We’re leaving at 7 p.m. and I’m not even dressed yet.’

‘Would love you to give me a quick call after the party to tell me how it went.’

‘No, Mother. Just let me have a break. I need to concentrateon my painting. I’ll ring you when I’m back in London.’

‘All right. Have a lovely time at the soirée, but remember don’t drink too much wine. You know what you’re like when you’re tipsy.’

Sophie laughed. ‘Runs in the family. Goodbye, Mother,’ she said, and rang off before Evelyn could have the last word.

Chapter 13

Sophie slipped on a silvery dress and ivory satin shoes, and made her way downstairs.

‘You look so lovely.’ Marie plucked a pale pink rose from a crystal vase and placed it in her hair. ‘It should be fun this evening. Mostly locals, but a few interesting people and someone in particular that I think you should meet.’