She could hear Evelyn’s voice.
‘Sophie, keep a man dangling. Don’t let him know what you’re thinking. And only when he’s worked for it, give him what he wants. And then it’s important you retreat, pull the rug out from under his feet, until he’s on his knees begging you to be with him forever.’
But after they made love Sophie just couldn’t help herself. Instead of being mysterious and cool she immediately persisted with her post-coital nag.
‘Nicholas, we’re going nowhere,’ she said. ‘I’m fed up with being a secret.’
He crossed his arms and stared at the ceiling. ‘What do you expect me to do? Just up and go? Kate’s given me no reason to leave her.’
‘Thanks very much. Where does that leave me?’
‘Sophie, you were the one who turned me on. I was happy to keep it platonic.’
‘I thought you loved me. You said that you’d never felt a connection with anyone as you did with me.’
Sophie hugged her silk pillow.
Nicholas hadn’t signed up for this. Feisty was fine, but her childish whining made him wish he was back in Bournemouth, sitting on the sofa, the dogs at his feet, with a good book and a glass of wine, listening to Classic FM.
‘I do.’ He sighed. ‘But you marry a life, not just a wife. And what about the dogs? Who will take them for walks every morning?’
‘You’re pathetic. Happy to settle for less than any husband expects. You pay for everything and she can’t even be bothered to put a pizza in the oven when you get home. And, worse than that, now she won’t even let you come near her. When was the last time you had sex?’
‘Really, Sophie, I don’t want to talk about it,’ Nicholas said. ‘It’s late. Let’s go to sleep. I made up a very elaborate fib to stay here tonight. Said I was looking after a friend’s dog because he had to visit his dying mum in hospital and he was staying overnight.’
‘What a wonderful guy you are to risk life and limb for li’l ol’ me.’
She gazed at him with goo-goo eyes and gave him a syrupy smile.
‘That’s refreshing. At least now you recognise the risks I take to be with you.’
‘You’re joking, aren’t you, Nicholas? I don’t give a monkey’s toss how you managed to get here and I don’t care what you said. I want to talk about your boring marriage…’
‘Talk away, Sophie dearest, but don’t expect me to join in.’
‘…and another thing, even if you’ve forgotten when you had sex with her, I remember.’
Go on– let him have it. The final slam-dunk.
‘You told me about a year ago, and that was only becauseshe was drunk. For heaven’s sake, Nicholas, get real. You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out that she’s been having an affair. Suddenly, after years of not caring about how she looked, you said she started wearing make-up and going to the hairdresser. And what about the nights she didn’t come home? Told you she was staying at friends, needed a break. But here’s the strange bit, I think you’re being followed. Which puzzles me, because you’d think she would be pleased to have you out of the way.’
Sophie swung her legs out of bed and opened the curtains. ‘You see that black Fiesta on the opposite side of the road with the man at the wheel? It’s been there all night. I spotted it when you arrived. Last week too, same car.’
‘It could be your imagination, Sophie.’
He stared at the car outside the window tapping his forehead rapidly with his index finger.Think, Nicholas, think. What are you going to say? Be clear. Give Sophie your best shot. Tell her what she wants to hear. Give her hope.
‘I can tell you one thing, Sophie, if she is having an affair that would be a different matter. I promise you, Sophie, if that happens, there’ll be no way of stopping me. I’ll be knocking at your door with my suitcase. But if she isn’t, I am not going to jump ship. For one thing my children will never forgive me.’
‘Children!’ Sophie threw the silk pillow at him. ‘That old chestnut. If they’re old enough to smoke a spliff, they can mind their own business and let you get on with your life.’
The next time he came home late, Kate was waiting. For, despite her own betrayal with Rick, the prospect of confronting Nicholas with videos and photos of his comings and goings with Sophie gave her a venomous thrill.
Oh, to see Nicholas squirm, watching the telescopic detailsfilmed through the chink in the curtain of him astride his filly, a glorious exultant ride to the finishing line.
‘Actually, I was amazed,’ Kate said. ‘Didn’t think you were up to it.’ Her mouth slipped into a spiteful smile. ‘So, what have you got to say for yourself?’