He wanted to leave, but Anna was so keen that he didn’t want to disappoint her.
‘Let’s have a shower first,’ he said.
Come on, Casanova, get on with it. She’s chomping at the bit!said the Voice.
He unzipped her dress and slid his finger down her spine; twanged the edge of her silky panties.
Full speed ahead, the Voice said.Don’t do the number. You want thisdone and dusted by six if she’s going to cook you dinner.
She was beautiful undressed. Her lovely breasts stood to attention like proud soldiers. Her tummy flat, her legs slender and graceful.
Damien was glad he’d stayed.
‘You’re perfect,’ he said.
‘And so are you.’ She sighed, her eyes wide, feasting on his beautiful torso, fine muscles and golden unblemished skin.
And so the ritual began. Damien’s tried-and-tested thriller. He lathered her with soap and water.
‘Oh my God,’ she moaned. ‘Please, Damien, take me to bed. I don’t think I can stand this much longer.’
Their bodies entwined, she nuzzled his neck and lifted her legs round his waist. He carried her to the bedroom.
She made weird animalistic sounds as he caressed her. Purred like a cheetah, growled like a tiger, hissed like a snake.
Damien stifled a giggle.
Come on. Don’t be mean. She’s having a good time, said the Voice.
Even Damien, who was used to endless marathons, found Anna’s gymnastics exhausting.
She changed positions frequently.
You need a breather, said the Voice.Lie back and enjoy it.
He rolled over and now she was on top, astride him, riding her stallion at a furious pace.
‘Yes, yes!’ she panted. ‘This is just what I needed. You’re the best. I could go on forever.’
Oh no!said the Voice.You wanted to leave at 10.30. By the time she cooks dinner, you won’t be finished till midnight! If you want to get home this evening, you’ll have to chivvy things along. Come on, don’t fall asleep on the job. Show her who’s boss.
Damien grabbed Anna’s arms and rolled her over. Now he was on top. A few master strokes and she was on her way.
Surfing the waves, her back arched, she squeezed Damien’s buttocks hard and gave one final animal cry. A howl so plaintive that the neighbour next door rang her intercom.
At first Anna ignored it. But the buzzing carried on.
‘Oh, for goodness’ sake,’ she said. ‘I’d better answer it.’
Damien gave her a sweet smile. ‘That’s a shame.’
Who are you trying to kid?said the Voice.You’re relieved, admit it. Back on schedule.
Anna jumped out of bed, went downstairs and picked up the receiver.
‘Sorry to disturb you,’ her neighbour said, ‘but I heard a very strange noise. Didn’t know you had a dog, but it sounded in pain. Is everything all right?’
‘Yes, fine,’ Anna said. ‘No need to call the RSPCA. I was watching a documentary about wolves. I’ll turn the TV down.’