And there was no mistaking the sly look he’d given her. She could see that Damien had clocked it.
‘Your husband’s an interesting man,’ Damien said.
‘Ex,’ she replied. ‘He’s living with me at the moment until he finds a new place. Anyway, let’s get on with the story.’
Damien took the manuscript out of its envelope and they sat on the sofa.
‘Take away the wordiness and drive the text with feeling,’ he said. ‘Keep the sentences simple. Remember, you are writing for children.’
Anna loved the way he treated her. He gave her courage. Inspired her with his thoughtful comments.
She looked at his face as he studied the pages, and wondered how he could be so serious. It was, after all, a children’s story.
But he knew how to make words come alive. ‘Show, don’t tell,’ he said. ‘More dialogue, breathe life into your characters. Forget the pretty words and frilly sentences. Even younger readers want to know who the characters are, what they think, what they feel. Dig deep.’
Anna was dying to kiss him.
Better to wait till the end of the session.
‘Don’t mix business with pleasure,’ Claudia had said. ‘Don’t throw your body at him.’
But it was Damien who held fire. Doing his thing. Pacing himself. Giving her the drill.
When they’d finished the chapter, he looked at her with thrilling intimacy and said, ‘Well, Anna, I think that’s enough for today.’
Make her wait. Start slow.
He curled his lips as if he was going to kiss her, but no, he hovered just close enough so she could feel his breath.
Her legs were shaking.
Oh my goodness, he hasn’t even touched me and I’m already wet!
The thought had made her tremble. It was delicious. Full of promise. He certainly knew what he was doing. Agitating her. Making her want him.
He gently grazed her lips with his and waited for her response. Anna was ravenous.
She gave a deep sigh. Here she was in the moment. Her past forgotten. The years of nothingness disappeared. She was beautiful again.
And then he moved away. Held her face.
‘Why don’t we have a walk? Clear our heads after the work? It’s a lovely day.’
Come on, Anna. It’s your call. Forget Claudia. Here’s your chance. Be brave. Nothing to stop you.
‘I’ve a better idea,’ she said.
Anna took his hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom. He didn’t resist.
As she passed the heart-shaped mirror, she winked at herself.
You, Anna Rose, are a very skilled seductress.
She’d sprayed the bedroom with Oud, bought from a Moroccan shop in Portobello.
Damien sneezed. It smelt stale, made his eyes water. Reminded him of the souk in Marrakesh where a thief had stolen his wallet.
He scanned the lavender silk curtains and the shabby-chic dressing table. It was not a room in which he was comfortable. Too many frills and pictures of flowers on the wall.