It was exciting to have a clandestine affair with a delicious woman who fed his desire, ego and stomach.
Every time he came to London for a meeting, Sophie was ready to receive him with open arms. He seldom stayed overnight, but when he did Sophie made sure he was happy.
He was in a permanent state of arousal. His mind was full of her.
While Kate watched her soaps, Sophie was embedded in his thoughts. Her legs round his waist, graceful, gliding, rising with Nicholas in perfect unison until they reached the state ofnirvana.
But stolen nights and hurried sex sandwiched between his clients were not enough to satisfy their hunger for each other. Thus Nicholas planned to take his Sophie on a trip to Venice.
A business trip, he told his wife, to meet a client who wished to sell a Renaissance bronze.
Kate bought the story, happily unaware that Nicholas was having an affair, despite his trips to London extending to weekends.
Or so he thought…
For Kate was not as innocent as she appeared. A good soul who gave herself to those in need, looked after the kids with a close eye despite her lack of culinary skills, did the gardening, while her husband sighed between another woman’s thighs.
The truth was that she was also cheating with a man she’d met in a garden centre named Rick, and he was rich. Their passions wed with love of organic compost, hibiscus, lilies, clematis, roses and a mutual hatred of kinks in garden hoses.
Rick ravished Kate at his baronial estate every Thursday – what her family knew as “bridge night”.
But he wanted more… so Tuesday, too. But what to do? For Kate looked tired of late. The cleaning, weeding and the needy children had sapped her lust, and Rick insisted that she mustn’t be a martyr.
‘Come and live with me, my darling Kate, and you’ll fornicate in luxury.’
‘Look,’ she said. ‘My husband leaves on Saturday, for a buying trip to Italy. He’s going for a week and luckily, it’s half-term so there’s no school for me.’
‘Then shall we have a trial run?’
‘That’ll be fun. I’ll tell the kids I’m going on a gardening course.’
So Nicholas and Sophie went to Italy while Kate joined Rick at his estate in Dorset.
Chapter 11
‘When are you going?’ Anna asked David.
‘Because I don’t want you here when Damien arrives.’
‘I’m sorry, but I’m not meeting Stevie till after lunch.’
‘Well, if you thing that you’re going to hang around here you’ve got another thing coming. We are working this afternoon.’
‘Okay, I won’t queer your pitch. I’ll go to the pub.’
‘You do that!’
‘Funny to think we were married. You treat me as if I’m a leper,’ David said.
‘Just don’t ruin it for me, please. Damien Spur is one of the best writers of the decade and he likes my work. I am so lucky. He’s going to help me.’
‘Okay, okay. There’s no need to go on about it.’
But David took his time. When the intercom buzzed at 2 p.m., he still hadn’t left.
Anna was in the bedroom fiddling with her make-up.