‘Then why do it? I’ve told you before – text me first. When you phone me this early, I think it’s an emergency.’
‘Okay, next time, I promise I will. Thanks so much! Speak in ten.’
Claudia took her iPad and moved into the dining room. She picked up the tarot cards, shuffled them and spread them across the table.
Anna’s face came up on the screen. She wasn’t dressed and looked ghostly pale.
‘Aren’t you going to work?’ Claudia said.
‘Yes, but I didn’t sleep well last night. Had a dream about that bully, Nurse Aileen. She was poking my gums in the dental chair. Kept on calling me a dirty girl. She hurt me. It was horrible. She bullies me every day! I wish I could give this all up.’
‘Okay, Anna, we can deal with that when I get back. So, what would you like to ask the cards?’
‘Will there be a romantic future with the man I met who said he was going to help me with my story?’
‘What’s his name?’ Claudia replied.
‘I’d rather not say. He’s very well known, and if it doesn’t work out I’ll feel foolish.’
‘Come on, I’m not going to tell anyone.’
‘Okay. His name is Damien Spur. You know, the novelist.’
‘Certainly do.’Better not say too much. Keep Anna on track.
She pulled the card.
‘Well,’ she said, ‘the Knight of Wands. A man who charges fearlessly into many relationships and often out again. Loving the challenge and excitement, living in the moment, but not easy to tame. There will be fire, but not necessarily love and security.’
‘Oh dear. Sounds as if he’ll break my heart,’ Anna said.
‘Probably. If you’re easy prey. He’s a must-have-can’t-have man. Enjoys the challenge. Look, let’s do a spread when I come back from Italy, to allow a wider perspective.’
‘Okay. Just have to keep my cool on Tuesday, then. At least he’s going to read my story.’
‘Well, that’s good. He’s a terrific writer. I’m sure he’ll give you excellent advice. Just don’t throw your body at him!’
When Damien arrived at the practice, Anna made sure she was standing by the printing machine.
She wanted him to see her legs. Especially as she was wearing black patent high heels that showed off her neat ankles and shapely calves.
‘Can I make you a cup of tea, Mr Spur? Or perhaps you’d prefer coffee?’
Great pair of pins,saidthe Voice,but keep it professional. If she can’t write, it’s best not to encourage her.
‘No thanks, Anna. Just your story.’
‘Here you are.’ She took out a brown Manila envelope from a plastic bag under her desk and, with a covert glance around the waiting room to make sure no one was watching, slipped it to him.
He leant forward to take it. His neck smelt of soap and Vétiver. Anna’s nose twitched. So sensual, so manly. If only.
Pity I can’t kiss you.The electric current sizzled through her body.
‘Contact number?’ Damien said. ‘It’s not on the back.’
‘It’s inside,’ she said.