“You’re such a sweetie.”

“Keep that to yourself. Everyone in this town thinks I’m a dick, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

He stole a fast kiss before ringing the doorbell.

The door swung open and my elderly neighbor stood there, mildly sunburned on his nose, but smiling widely.

“Ah, there are the boys. Come in. I brought some of Angela’s nut roll home and the water is hot for tea. Come in, come in, don’t worry about your boots.”

We worried. After removing them and our coats, which we hung by the door, we followed Mr. Blum into his cozy kitchen, sat down, and let him place a platter overflowing with nut roll on the table.

“I have a package with ten different flavors, but I thought a nice Earl Gray would go well with the sweets,” Mr. Blum informed us while placing a teapot on a knitted cozy in the middle of the round table. “Dig in.”

He passed cream and sugar to Kenan. We nibbled on incredibly good nut roll as we sipped tea and made small talk about his few days with his sister. His son was not mentioned, so I didn’t ask as a wave of sadness for the old gent washed over me. Family could be difficult for sure.

“So, here’s why I called you boys up the lane,” Mr. Blum said with a clap of his age-spotted hands. “My sister is having some eye issues. She needs surgery and since she never had children or got married, I’m going to go stay with her.”

“That’s very brotherly of you,” I said as Kenan chewed and nodded.

“She’s the only person I have left, other than you two.” He looked at Kenan and then at me. “Such a nice couple. A Jew and a Gentile falling in love. Gives me hope for the rest of the world.”

I could only smile at Kenan. “That being said, I would like to rent the cabin out to you, Kenan, if you’d like to stay here until spring? I won’t charge much, maybe a hundred dollars a month. I think you are a good boy, observant of the holidays, and possessing a tender heart.”

Kenan’s third slice of nut roll stalled midair. “That’s…that’s very kind of you. I’d love to rent your cabin and take care of it while you’re nursing your sister.”

I felt a twinge of regret but saw it for what it was, me being petty. Kenan needed this, badly. He’d been wandering for years, and this would be a way for him to set down roots of a sort. Would I miss him in my bed? Yes. For sure, but he would just be down the lane.

“Excellent! I’ll call my sister to let her know things are settled here. Now, tell me who won the gingerbread bake-off? Was itMillicent Prickett again?” Kenan and I bobbed our heads. “Pah, she always wins.”

“Well, to be fair, her gingerbread Taj Mahalwaspretty impressive,” I admitted, my sight flickering to Kenan as he beamed at me, his face alight with pride. I was happy for him, truly. Small steps lead to big rewards. I didn’t recall where I had seen that before, but it rang true.

Kenan and I were solid. I just had to add that to my daily morning mantras in hopes that it stuck.

On our way home, he took my hand, gently, to tug me from my silent state.

“Are you mad I took Mr. Blum up on his offer?” he asked as he pulled me to a slow stop beside some snowy pines lining the lane.

“No, I am not mad.”

“You seem mad.”

I cupped his scruffy chin with my free hand. Dark, worried eyes caught mine and held them.

“I’m not mad. Honestly, I am happy for you. I think having a place to call your own is a major step in your recovery journey.”

That erased some of the worry lines, but just some. “I agree. So why are you so quiet?”

I smiled weakly. “I’m having a rather lengthy battle with my inner saboteur. He keeps wanting me to freak out, grab you, and force you to stay with me.”

Worry turned to understanding. He turned his head to kiss my palm. Well, actually, it was the palm of my glove, but it counted.

“I understand. Those internal voices are real dicks at times.” I nodded strongly. “Mine likes to remind me of how much better life could be if I were high.”

“He sounds like a donkey dick.”

He chuckled. “He truly is. I think we should name our inner assholes. This way when we’re wrestling with them, we can justsay ‘I’m cool, just taking time to bitch slap Stewie. Or Ralph. Or Donald.’”

“I want to call mine Richard Noggin.”