She glares at me. “Take the bullet. Show me you are a man of your word.”
I nod, ignoring Tia’s anguished scream as I place the barrel of the gun against my temple and stare Nadia directly in the eye as I pull the trigger.
Hope turns to despair as the empty click of the chamber reveals it wasn’t the right one and I growl, “Your turn.”
I hold the gun against her head and hiss, “Who is the man you do business with?”
“I don’t know his name.” She shrugs, her throat bobbing as she swallows hard, the fear in her eyes betraying her words.
“He sends me the order and I deliver to the destination. I get the money paid into the relevant account when the order has been safely received.”
“The orders are human beings, you deranged bitch.” I hiss, pulling the trigger, the empty sound of the chamber cracking against the air.
The sweat pours off her face as she breathes a huge sigh of relief and the light returns to her eyes as she hisses, “Your turn.”
It’s almost as if she is enjoying this sick game and I hold the gun to my temple and say with a withering stare, “Who else is involved aside from Leo?”
Her eyes flicker for a second before she shakes her head. “Nobody.”
I say nothing and she shivers under my malevolent gaze.
“I swear. I was approached when we were touring Saudi Arabia. I received a note asking me to call the number. When I did, the voice outlined their wishes and at first I was horrified. I thought about it overnight and realized if I was to have a future – one I deserved – this was my best shot. Leo was messing around with one of the chorus and she was the perfect choice. I never told him the full extent of the order, just that if he arranged to meet her in the car parked outside the theater, I would pay him one hundred US dollars. He didn’t even hesitate and when she stepped into the car, I drugged her.”
She shrugs. “I was instructed that she must wear a tutu, which was why it had to be after a performance. The car was met at the airfield that time and another one was waiting to take me back to the Bolshoi. I saw them carry her to a private plane and never looked back after that. The money was in my account within the hour, and it became an addictive game. He contacted me once a year on the same day and it was easy money.”
Her mouth twists in derision. “I didn’t care about the dancers. They were collateral damage in my desire for a better life, and why not?”
She snarls. “Now pull the trigger, you miserable piece of shit.”
Tia’s agonized sobs are all I hear as I pull the trigger. The empty sound of the chamber causing Nadia to sigh withdisappointment and I growl, “Your turn. It’s time to ask me a question.”
Her eyes light as she flicks a gaze at Tia who is barely standing, and she says with an evil sneer. “We are so alike, Mr. Romanov. You don’t love Tia. You have only just met, so what is your reason for marrying her?”
I say simply, “Revenge.” Then I pull the trigger, the fourth bullet missing from the chamber and she gasps, “Two left.”
I press the gun to her temple and whisper, “What are the arrangements for delivering, Tia? I’m guessing they are still in place?”
“Of course.” She stares past me and rolls her eyes.
“He wants her specifically. He wants the best now. He is tired of the faceless dancers; he wants the jewel of them all. The original plan was to make the exchange on the tour, but your engagement changed everything. We made another plan and the day of the wedding is the pick up. He has already arranged the abduction. You see, this time I failed and am no longer part of his plan, but rest assured Mr. Romaonv, he will succeed and your bride will soon be dancing for a different bastard.”
I set the gun against my head and as I pull the trigger, her evil smirk turns to fear as the chamber is empty.
“I win, Nadia.”
I hold the gun to her temple and we all know it will end her life and she shakes, “Please. I’ll help you. I’ll go along with your plan—anything. I’ll contact him and say I can deliver the order. Please let me help you if you spare my life.”
“I thought you said you didn’t know who he is?” I ask, pressing the gun harder into her temple, my finger hovering over the trigger.
“I lied.” She whispers and Simeon says darkly, “His number is programmed into her phone. We have his identity and his name. His jet is due to land tomorrow morning and from whatwe can gather, he has someone working for him inside the Kremlin. They have assured him the package will be delivered before the wedding takes place, making Russia conclude it’s another defection where no questions will be asked.”
Nadia stares at Simeon with uncontrolled fear as she shakes and her voice quivers. “How?”
I sneer as I press the gun in harder. “We know everything, Nadia, and guess what? We don’t need you anymore.”
I pull the trigger before she can reply and as the contents of her despicable mind coat my face and hands, I relish the sensation of winning.
One threat eliminated—three more to go.