“White roses with a black one in the center.” I add, my voice steady, but my nerves definitely not.
“Yes.” He says simply and then he hesitates, causing me to stare at him fearfully as a flicker of distaste passes across his face.
“There are recordings.”
“What recordings?” Titus says quickly, and the officer sighs heavily.
“Of his thoughts of you, Miss Pavlov. While he pleasured himself.”
I feel sick and Titus squeezes my hand and says in his reassuring, deep voice.
“Thank you for informing us of the situation. Is there anything you require of us?”
The officer fixes me with a sympathetic smile.
“There is nothing. The object was to inform you of the situation and reassure you that the threat against you is over.”
“Thank you.” I smile gratefully, still trying to wrap my head around what’s happened and as Titus shows the officer out, I shiver.
It was Leo. He sent those flowers with the notes and when he came to my dressing room that night, his purpose may have been to take me to that room.
I’m shocked at what I’ve heard and as Titus heads back into the room, he drops down in front of me and takes my hand, staring with concern into my eyes.
“Are you okay, malysh?”
“I think so.” I attempt to smile.
“I can’t believe he was so deranged. Creepy, yes, but not psychotic. And to take his own life. I kind of understand that because faced with a lifetime in a wheelchair and unable to dance, why live anyway?”
Titus nods, but I note the storm building in his eyes and a shiver of trepidation passes through me. Something is wrong. I’m not sure what, but he doesn’t appear happy and I expect it’s after being exposed to Leo’s sick mind.
“Tia.” His voice is soft, almost caressing, and I peer at him nervously as he whispers, “For your own safety I will arrange a leave of absence from the Bolshoi.”
“Why?” I gasp, not understanding what’s happening and Titus says gravely, “My reasons are based on what the detective said.”
“But Leo is dead. He is no longer a threat.”
“But he was planning something concerning you and until I unravel the facts behind that, I would prefer to know you are safe.”
He says softly, “Any threat is taken very seriously in my world, Tia. Sometimes we don’t have all the facts, only the ones they want us to. I am right to be cautious. It’s how we operate, and until I have uncovered the entire truth, I don’t believe you are safe.”
“Titus.” I pull away and tears pool in my eyes as I gulp, “But I must dance. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane.”
“Then dance here. It won’t take long to uncover the truth and trust me when I say I have no desire to interfere with yourprofession. You are a ballerina, it’s what you do and I will not take that away from you, no matter what happens.”
“The engagement?” I ask, bewildered by what’s happening, and he shakes his head. “No, Tia. Our marriage. Because in two weeks’ time we will marry at the Kremlin and there is nothing we can do to change that from happening.”
“Marry?” I’m stunned and yet as I stare into his eyes, I am not afraid. I should be appalled and protesting for my freedom, but instead a prickle of excitement passes through me. I wonder when things changed, and I began to see Titus Romanov as a man I don’t want to be without for a second, instead of the dark stranger who took over my life and never gave me the choice to say no.
While Tatiana heads to her room to freshen up for our meeting with Russian Life, I head to my den and an urgent meeting with Simeon.
“I don’t like it.” I add, as I finish explaining the officer’s visit and he nods in agreement.
“He was executed.” He says simply, and I lean back in my seat and sigh heavily.