Page 1 of Unforgivable



Whoever said alcohol is no way to solve your problems was a complete and utter moron. From where I was dancing in the living room with a sexy brunette plastered to my chest, it seemed like the perfect fucking solution to me. My problems always tended to get worse around this time of year, and consequently so did my alcohol intake.

If there was a way to erase this day off the calendar, I'd sell my soul to make it happen. Short of making a deal with the devil himself, there was no easy way to get through this day without numbing the barrage of pain and emotion that reappeared each year like clockwork. Currently, I was working on two ways to go about that: vodka and Molly.

The chick, not the drug. Though I wouldn't kick the drug out of bed either.

I felt her hands run down my chest and skirt across my abs, her long nails scoring my skin gently and making my cock jump. I was fairly trashed and having concerns aboutrisingto the occasion,but that little twitch gave me hope. My head was hazy and unfocused as she ground her body into mine, the music pumping through the speakers drowning out the memories that tried pushing to the surface.

“Mmm, I love how your body feels, Hawk,” she slurred, her cloying perfume swirling around us.

The nickname clawed at my brain, both calming and depressing me equally. Especially on this day, it was a comfort to just be Hawkins or Hawk, the hotshot Lacrosse captain. The persona I had painstakingly cultivated over the last couple of years was an armor keeping everyone on the outside where I liked them. They never got too close to see behind it, to see the real me. Only one person had ever truly known me and she never called me Hawk.

I shook my head to clear it of the intrusive thoughts, refocusing my attention on the sweet curves in front of me. The booze I downed earlier was doing its part to keep me offline, and rather than sinking into painful memories, I would sink into Molly instead.

I nibbled her ear a bit and brushed my hands against her tits spilling from the tight top she wore. “Would you like to get a closer look at it?” I rasped, the scent and feel of her making my dick jump a little more.

She whimpered and pressed herself to my chest even closer, fingers digging into my back desperately. “God yes, Hawk…”

Without another word, I grabbed her hand and started weaving through the sweaty bodies in the room. I couldn't go more than a couple of feet without someone calling my name, patting me on the shoulder, or asking me to do shots with them. It was all part of being a UT athlete. The gridiron boys definitely got the most attention, but as long as you were tearing up a field or a court, you were considered campus royalty.

The second we both reached the bottom of the stairs, a strong hand grasped my arm and yanked me to a stop.

“The fuck?!” I growled, preparing to throw down with some drunken fratboy who thought I slept with his girlfriend or some shit.

Unfortunately, there was precedence…not an experience I'm eager to relive.

“Dude! I've been looking for you everywhere!” Griffin shouted triumphantly. Beer sloshed over the sides of his cup and I guessed he was three sheets to the wind already. I should have known he would be the one to cockblock me right now.

Griffin was my roommate and teammate, which meant that he was always around even when I didn't necessarily want him to be. Don't get me wrong, he was awesome and all, but I was a person who needed my space from time to time. Griffin didn't always understand this. Or perhaps he did and just didn't give a shit.

“What's up, Griff? I'm kinda in the middle of something,” I grumbled impatiently.

As if the cosmic forces heard me and decided to cruelly fuck with my plans, Molly was ripped away from my arm by a laughing blond who pulled her back to the dance floor and into a crowd of sorority chicks.

Gee, thanks Universe, you fucking asshole. I was planning on tapping that.

My mood plummeted instantly as part two of my emotional escape plan was torn away from me, even if only temporarily. I wasn't one who gave up easily, and I was determined to find a warm, willing body to fuck away all my troubles with by the end of the night.

At this point, I'd even cast my net a little wider and entertain some dick tonight. It wasn't always my preference, but I was what you'd call a “free range lover”. It didn't matter the outside package you came with, any mouth or hole would keep me happy. In my experience, the few guys I had been with gave the best blowjobs. I guess if you've got the equipment, you know how to handle it.

I didn't think a blowjob would be enough to keep my brain from straying to unpleasant areas though. I hadn't hit a homerun with a dude yet, so I'd stick with finding someone of the female persuasion to help me forget this miserable day.

“Well, looks like you're free now,” Griff smirked. “Come on, some of the guys want to play strip poker and sent me to find you. You've got to see some of these girls playing! We're talking asses and racks for days!”

He dragged me through the crowd over to the poker table that was set up in a far corner, half of the players were my teammates and the other half…let's just say Griff hadn't been lying about the ass and tits display.

It seemed like there wouldn't be much of a game to play with the ladies seeing as how they were already a piece or two of clothing away from being so naked I could see their kidneys, but I was as eager as the next guy. I sat down and was dealt a hand and a shot of inhibition killer. I drained the shotglass as a sinful body dropped onto my lap and draped an arm around my shoulder.

“Hey Hawk, I didn't know you'd be here tonight,” the girl purred seductively in my ear. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, but I recognized her as someone I had hooked up with before. I didn't knowif it was the vodka or the fact that her face blended together with all the other chicks in my head, but I could not remember her name if it was tattooed on my arm.

“Well, you know I can't miss out on a chance to run into a gorgeous thing like you,” I flirted.Not my best line, but girls eat that shit up.Just watch.

She giggled, running her finger lasciviously down the center of my chest. “That's so sweet! I didn't think you'd remember me from that night…want me to remind you how good it was?” She lifted one of her perfect eyebrows up in question.

Aaaand bingo. Called it.