Page 62 of A Dawn Of Blood

She just stares at me the way she used to, making me let out a soft, sad chuckle.

Refraining from trying to hug her, I reach out my hand to pet her. To my surprise, she lets me, which only makes me have to fight another sob from climbing up my throat.

I pull my hand away. “What do I do now?” I ask softly. “I mean, I’ll have to go looking for him, that’s for sure. Even if it weren’t the smartest thing for the cause, how could I not? Now that I’ve… felt him… it’s like my entire being is pulling me in his direction. But once Idofind him,thenwhat? There’s not a doubt in my mind that itishim, but… there was something wrong there.”

Nymeria just keeps staring at me patiently, making me get comfortable thinking out loud. I look away, pensively fixing my eyes on the bookshelves to my left.

“I know I didn’t have an easy start with either Jericho or Orpheus. But both times, from the moment I looked into their eyes, even when we’d act as sworn enemies, their very presence would put me at ease and make me feel seen.Thistime… I knowit wasn’t equivalent to meeting a new colleague at work or sitting down next to a student at a ceremony, so it’s not like I’d expect us to, I don’t know, start playfully bickering straight away, but… I can’t help but feel there wasactualdanger this time.”

My frown only grows deeper as I recall fighting him in the Tower. I grit my teeth and shake my head. No matter how much it pains me to say it out loud, I still do.

“No,” I whisper with determination in my voice. “It wasn’t the situation. There’s something wrong withhim. He’s a ruthless killer, and when I told him he was my mate, there waszeroemotion there, zero hesitation.” My throat tightens. “And I just don’t know what to do with that.”

A sound makes my head snap back to Nymeria. I watch her stroll over to me, putting a paw on the cover of the book.

For a moment, I just stare at her. Then I smile sadly. “You’re right,” I whisper. “It doesn’t matter who he is in this lifetime. I need to love him and I need to make him love me in return, the sooner the better, for all of us.”

I look away, a realization hitting me. My features tighten with determination. “And it’s a bit of a risk, but I think I know exactly how to do it.”

Chapter 47

I’m anxious as I call for an urgent meeting, anxious as I make my way to the Main Hall and anxious as I watch the Embers start arriving.

“What is it?” de Groot demands as she materializes in front of me. “Why are we here?”

Damn it. She probably thinks… “I’m so sorry, de Groot,” I say softly, “but it’s got nothing to do with Jaeger.”

I see disappointment flash through her eyes before her features harden and she throws daggers at me. “Why are you apologizing tome?”

She doesn’t wait for an answer. She just takes her seat. “You know what,” she drawls as the others get settled in as well, “just get on with it, won’t you?”

My eyes sweep around the table, seeing the anticipation on everyone’s faces. “I thought about it, and… In the light of all the new information, I have a proposal to make.”

“Go on,” Nuala says with a slow nod, “we’re listening.”

I clear my throat and force myself to just spit it out. “I want us to kidnap Cain and bring him here.”

No reply. Only silence, as if everyone just froze in place.

I frown. “Are you… Did you hear what I just said?”

Raven leans a little forward, worry in her eyes. “Anna… Why don’t you, Alaric and I go have a coffee in the Junkyard? I think you could use the break.”

I have to fight not to grit my teeth. I mean, I knew they wouldn’t exactly be open to it, but… “You’re acting as if I’m being crazy,” I grind out.

“I think youarebeing crazy,” Dryden mutters under his breath.

“How is this any crazier than going after materials for a god-killing sword?” I protest.

“It’s more dangerous, that’s for one,” he snaps.

“And it’s an absolute waste of time at that,” Nuala adds.

“Exactly,” Dryden chimes in again. “It’s a dangerous waste of time.”

I take a moment to collect myself. Then I lean forward and look around the table again. “You’re looking at it the wrong way. We have two people on opposing sides. We havemeon the side of the Resistance andCainon the side of the enemy army. If we only bring the two of us together—”

“Love will conquer all,” de Groot interrupts with a poisonous drawl, “and everyone will live happily ever after, right? Is that what you were going to say?”