Page 92 of House of Lilith

The fucking player, I think as I break myself free, my eyes narrowing as I see his eyebrows shoot up.

It took him all of two minutes to get me this worked up?

“Hi,” I say, in the most unaffected voice I can muster, deciding he won’t be right about the kind of game we’re playing here. Folding my arms, I motion at his shirt. “Why don’t you lose that?”

It gives me so much pleasure, when I see the little flash of surprise in his eyes.

For a second, we just stare at each other.

Then his lips curl into a smile and he does as he’s told, crossing those big arms across his chest to grab the hem. It makes my breath hitch, when he pulls it over his head and my eyes drag down the lines of his muscles all the way to the V disappearing under the waistline of his jeans.


He throws the shirt on the floor and locks eyes with me. I don’t look away, Iwon’tlook away, no matter how hard it is to keep my breathing even.

Instead, I grab him by the jeans and I pull him closer. He just looks at me for a second, his nostrils flaring and his lips parting.

And just as I think he’s going to try to kiss me, he starts walking me backwards, getting my sweater off with rushed movements.

Eagerly, I raise my hands to help him. The sweater off, he throws it on the floor and slows down, pressing me against the table and locking eyes with me.

For a second, I feel self-conscious about myself. But he doesn’t let me linger on it. He pulls me to him, tightly, my arms raising to rest on his broad, hard shoulders. One corner of his mouth curling into a smile and his eyes boring deeper into mine, he lowers his head and I feel his mouth on my neck again, my breathing turning ragged as he slowly yet forcefully kisses, bites and sucks it, making his way from my ear all the way to my shoulder.

I lose myself, my mind going blank and the world around me falling away, leaving only the body pressed against mine, the mouth that’s now traveling down my chest and my stomach, and the hands that keep getting busier, stroking my thighs and squeezing my ass.

And before I know it, he’s got my tights and my panties off, and his head between my legs. I suck in a sharp breath, when I feel his mouth on me, my hands flying to grab fistfuls of his hair as the kiss turns into fervent licking and sucking.

And just as the pleasure rises to a point that becomes unbearable, and I almost let out a moan, I hear a thud somewhere in the distance.

And I freeze and I stiffen, my eyes flying open and darting left right.

The very next second, he’s standing in front of me, leaning to whisper, “It was nothing. Relax.”

And his voice is so low and rough and hot, all I can do is stare at him for a second and then start work on unzipping his pants.

I see a flash of hunger flick through his eyes and he rushes to help me, pushing his jeans down to reveal a dick so hard, it’s shooting upwards.

I lick my lips, feeling myself get even more wet, and he grabs me to put my legs around him, but I push him away a little.

“No,” I say, making his eyebrows pull down a little. And I slide down the table and back onto the floor. It’d feel too intimate, having his face all up in mine like that.

So I turn around.

Chapter 18 - Dahrian

I’mjustabouttoget inside her, my breathing ragged and my mind clouded with desire, when she stops me, making my eyebrows pull down as I watch her slide down the table and turn around. And now, there’s the curve of her back and the press of her ass against my dick to drive me crazy, but my frown doesn’t disappear until she reaches back to take me in her hand.

It makes me suck in a sharp breath, my dick throbbing in her delicate little fingers as I let her guide it where she wants me.

And as she slides me inside that hot little pussy of hers, a wave of pleasure comes crashing down on me and I grab her by the waist, gritting my teeth so as not to curse out loud. I push myself even deeper inside, walking her a step forward and making her grab onto the table before her for balance.

It starts creaking, the table, when I start thrusting. But it’s her arching neck, her ragged breathing and the way she’s starting to rock her body back and forth that I’m focused on, my hands roaming up and down her back and her ass.

It makes me start losing it, when I up the tempo a little bit and she takes in a sharp breath, her right hand flying to the edge of the table and gripping it tighter.

Overwhelmed with desire, I grab her by the neck and I pull her up a little, taking a bite out of the flesh on her shoulder blade. And as I keep kissing, her spine arches and she starts bobbing up and down, her pussy clenching around my throbbing dick.

And all of a sudden, I can’t take it any more. I stop holding back, I push her head down again and I grab onto her shoulders, squeezing and dragging my hands up and down her back as I slam myself inside her.