Page 10 of House of Lilith

When I look over my shoulder, I see that thereisone. Exactly thirty six people in formal wear, all holding gorgeous black rose bouquets in their hands and heading straight towards me.

I get up off my seat, a thrill rushing down my spine. Is he actually going to do it? Now? As the crowd around us breaks out into an excited murmur, I look at Max, who’s still wearing that mysterious smile on his lips, and then back at the people. They form a half-circle around me.

“One for every month you’ve made my life brighter, cupcake.” I feel him hug me from behind and hear him whisper in my ear as my heart starts pounding in my ears.

He twirls me around, the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. I watch him pull away and get down on one knee. Fireworks explode inside me, leaving me tingling but tongue-tied.

He’s actually going to do it. Tonight will be the night we become engaged.

“Will you do me the honor,” he starts as he takes a little ring box out of his waistcoat pocket, “of becoming the next Princess of Aalstein?”

And he opens the box, revealing an elaborate aged-silver ring with a giant ruby at the center. I hear excited squeals all around me and I almost fail to stop myself from letting one out as well.

“Yes,” I say, my voice a little shaky with emotion as I start nodding vigorously, “yes, I will.”

Someone lets out a wolf whistle and Max jumps to his feet, his smile beaming as he looks around the cheering crowd and then puts the heavy ring on my finger. “I knew you’d say yes,” he tells me when he turns to give me a kiss.

I kiss him back, passionately, my heart starting to pound all over again.

It doesn’t stop even when Max pulls away, and I watch him turn to my brother and shake hands with him, both glowing with satisfaction.

And I want to join them, but I’m already getting swallowed by the host of people with Hilde at the front, all eager to get a better look at my ring and get on good terms with the next Princess.

And I’m smiling, still in shock and shaken up with the thrill of the start of an entirely new era in my life. But thrown into the mix, there’s something that makes me feel strangely suspended in the moment. Something I can’t quite put my finger on.

Chapter 2 - Dahrian

Whistling,Iturntheelaborate tap off and make my way out of the overly lavish bathroom on Ground Floor. It’s good, I tell myself as I start strolling down the hallway through which I came and back to the party. And it’ll be even better once theyactuallyget to know us.

Who would’ve thought, boy,my fox’s deep, ethereal voice booms inside my head,that you’d let yourself bethisdelusional.

As always, he sounds playful and a little sinister at the very same time. I let out a laugh. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I did manage to get the party going, and not thanks toyourbitching and moaning.”

Can’t you see how pompous those tiny little pricks are?

I shrug my shoulders. “You thinkeveryone’spompous. Keep the peace and stay until the end, that’s what Brogan told me. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

Suit yourself, he drawls, his tone filled to the brim with disgust and exasperation.But don’t come crying to me when it ultimately fails, your desperate little attempt to earn everyone’s respect.

I roll my eyes at him, but that’s all I give him before I feel him retreat back into his corners of my mind. Excited to finally get my buzz on, I keep whistling as I walk down the hallway, the Entrance Hall slowly growing larger at its end.

Until my fox lets out a low growl, I feel a tug behind my navel and the world spins around me. I have to fight to stay on my feet, but as quickly as it starts spinning, the hallway comes to a halt and everything settles down, as if nothing ever happened.

I squint, my muscles tense and ready to move. Instead of the Entrance Hall, I have the door to the bathroom in front of me once again.

What the…

I turn on my heel and see that that’s where I’m supposed to go. Not without hesitation, I start walking.

Everything seems normal, the soft red carpet not making a sound under my boots, the paintings on the walls looking at me with unmoving eyes.

It’s only when I almost reach the end of the hallway that it happens again. The hallway spins and I’m back to looking at the bathroom door.

For a second, I just stand there, calculating as my fox sniffs hungrily.

Whatever type of magic this is, he concludes,it’s nothing menacing.

I let out a soft laugh, shake my head a little and click my tongue. With a renewed spring in my step, I start walking again.