“Eyes onme,” he says in a low growl and it makes me unable to tear them away, my breath hitching and a moan almost escaping my lips when he slides his fingers back into me.
My face still flushed, I’m rushing to get dressed so I can get him out of here as quickly as possible. Still, my eyes keep darting up to him. He’s standing an arm-length away with his back turned to me,whistling.
The fucker, I think to myself as I let my eyes drag down his body. Once I made it clear that we’re done for today, he threw me such a self-satisfied little smile, and it’s all because I failed to stop myself from letting out that fucking moan. It was a small one and I bit him on the neck to stifle it, butapparently, I bitch as his whistling grows merrier, it wasn’t enough to stop this arrogant bastard from surfacing.
It makes me frown, when the sound suddenly turns into a stifled little laugh.
I stop lacing up my boots. “What?” I demand, my eyes narrowing.
“Nothing,” he replies, innocently yet with such amusement in his voice. “I’m just having the best day, hearing all kinds of things about a certainlady.”
Fuck. The rumors.
“Like?” I ask as I materialize in front of him, shoelaces be damned.
And there he is, looking at me with that grin on his face.
“Like,” he drawls teasingly, making me hold my breath in anticipation of him mentioning the A. “You being last ineverysubject your first year. Ouch.”
I breathe a sigh of relief. “You fucker,” I curse at him. “Do I come blabbing to you every time I hear something aboutyou?”
He takes a step closer, his eyebrows shooting up. “Like what?” he asks, a soft, curious smile dancing on his lips.
The writing from that bathroom wall,Dahrian Howe is the best lay ever, echoes through my mind, making blood rush to my cheeks.
But he’s still looking at me, waiting for a reply. “I don’t know,” I finally blurt out.
“Oh,you don’t know?” he drawls. “Well,” he says, pausing to lean a little forward and throw me a grin from up close, “consider me convinced.”
Shooting him a nasty look, I shove at his chest to get him away from me, which only earns me another little laugh. “And just for the record,” I snap at him, eager to save face, “every success I’ve had, I’veearned, with hard work and dedication.”
He raises his hands in defense. “Hey, nothing but respect from me there.”
It makes me frown, when I realize there’s not a smidge of mockery in his voice. I stay silent for a second, wondering what kind of game he’s playing. Then I shake my head and I say, the words coming out a little harsher than I’d want them to, “You’re making us linger.”
And I turn on my heel and start for the door.
“It’s the middle of the night,” he says as he rushes to block my way, still with that grin on his face. “Where are you rushing off to?”
I stop midstep and I throw him an incredulous look. “Lingering is against the rules.”
He takes a step closer. “And in that little world of yours, when a rule is broken,” he asks, squinting at me a little, “whathappensexactly? Indulge me.”
“Things lose meaning,” I find myself saying, without any reservation whatsoever. Then I clear my throat and I push past him, confused about what just happened.
“Wow, that’s big,” I hear him say, a little more pensively. Then he appears before me, making me stop,again. “But then it also never changes.”
He sees me frowning and explains, “The meaning. Right? Everything always stays the same and there’s no room for discovery, no freedom.”
I just let out a scoff and say in a mocking voice, “Sure, and flow is everything and everything is flow, and we should all burn our phones and go live off the land, right?”
That makes him blow a laugh through his nose.
“What?” I demand, frowning.
For a second, he just looks at me as if I’m being thick. “I just find you interesting,” he finally says, matter-of-factly. He shakes his head at me, smiling and frowning at the same time. “Isn’t it obvious?”