Page 93 of House of Lilith

And just as I hear her breathing become more ragged than ever and her pussy tightens impossibly around me…

It all stops, abruptly, and I find myself being pushed out of her as she turns around again.

The next thing I know, she’s kissing me on the neck and taking me in her hand. I grab her by the waist, and it feels so good, the way she starts working me with her fingers, but I need to get back inside her, so I try to pry her hand away.

She doesn’t let me, she just increases both the speed and the pressure, her kisses turning into bites on my neck. The next thing I know, I’m pulling her closer to myself and burying my face in her neck, flooding with pleasure as I’m shot out of my body and into the sky. And for a second, I can’t think or do anything, floating on a boundless sea of quiet as I remain standing there, my forehead on her cheek.

When I come to, I’m eager to keep going. And I squeeze her tighter and I move to slide my hand between her thighs, but she just slaps it away.

“Will you turn around?” she asks as she breaks free of my grip, pulls away a little and looks up at me with her hands across her chest.

My mind blank, I don’t say anything, I just do as she says. And I pull my pants up and I keep standing there, listening to her get dressed as my eyebrows pull down.

What the…

And just as she moves to walk past me, I snap out of it and I grab her by the wrist. “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” I demand with a confused laugh, my voice still unsteady.

She turns to look at me, but she just shrugs and says, “We’re done.”

It makes me blow a laugh through my nose. “You’renot,” I protest.

“And how wouldyouknow?” she snaps a little. Then she turns on her heel and starts walking out of the room, throwing me a glance over her shoulder. “I’ll text you when I’m back, okay?”

Say something, I urge myself.

But nothing comes to mind. I just watch her walk through the door and close it behind her, too dumbfounded to do anything else but stand there like an idiot.


It’s with unseeing eyes, my hands in my pockets, and a head full of images, smells and sounds that I leave Lilith Tower and make my way down the slope to the camp, the cold winter day slowly turning into night all around me. I let the echoes keep washing over me, the touch of her skin, the curve of her back, the tone of her voice when she told me to lose my shirt.

But when I think of the way she finished me off and ran away, I can’t help but start wondering if she even liked it.

It all makes my mind start swarming, trying to recall things in detail and struggling with the possibility of having misinterpreted a lot of her signals. But in the background of it all, there’s something else. There’s my fox, watching from the shadows, obviously having something to say, but for whatever reason not wanting to say it.

I slow to a stop, fixing my eyes on the camp before me. It’s dusk and my pack is lighting the fires, their glow soft and muted in the waning light of day. Out there, on the third solitary little dock, I see Ricky huddled by his own fire. In a moment, I’ll be climbing those steps, I think to myself, and then I’ll have others to think about, to tend to.

So I keep walking, I take a deep breath to brace myself for his potential moodiness and I ask, “What is it?”

His ears prick up, but he doesn’t say anything. He just squints at me.

“Out with it,” I demand as I climb the plateau and start walking in Ricky’s direction, saying hi to people as I go.

My fox stays silent for a second. To my surprise, when it comes, the reply is short and dead serious.This should be the last time you did this.

It makes me frown. “This?” I ask as I keep walking down the plateau. Still frowning, I let out a little laugh. “You mean my little arrangement with, how do you say, ‘the girl’?”


“Really?” I drawl. “Yet a minute ago, this was all you wanted, being able to take a good ol’ lungful of her.”

I’m changing my mind,he snaps.

“Who’s asking you?” I snap back just as I turn to walk down Ricky’s little dock.

“Hi stranger,” I call out to my friend, and in doing so cut my fox off.

Ricky cranes his neck to greet me from one of the two chairs around a small wooden table.