There’s that usual urge to rush down the stairs, maybe even run straight to our spot in the Common Room. It’s the same desperate urge I get whenever someone’s waiting for me.
Only this time, I choose to ignore it and Iwalkdown the stairs, even slower than usual, with the book in my bag, no less.
The Common Room is buzzing, but as soon as my boots hit its hardwood floors, I spot them sitting in our spot, Nikolay gesturing as he recounts what must be his latest tall tale. I zoom in on the table, seeing that their drinks are already half finished. Despite wishing I could just go back up and take a long bath with the book in my hand, I force myself to start moving.
As I walk, I work on an excuse for canceling on the dressmaker. I don’t want to tell anyone what I’m working on.
A headache, I think to myself. A really,reallystrong headache.
It’s just as I’m about to walk up to the table that Max spots me, his eyebrows immediately pulling down. He gets up and appears right in front of me.
“I called,” he says, a mix of concern and suspicion in his voice.
“I was already on my way out,” I reply, feeling apologetic and a little defiant all at once. “I knew I’d see you straight away.”
For a second, he just looks at me. Then he smiles. “That’s fine, cupcake,” he finally says, in a much softer voice, his mouth curling into a smile as he wraps his arm around my waist. “You just got me worried. And I don’t think I’m asking for much — you letting me know, from time to time, where you are.”
I shake my head, breathing a sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, Max,” I say with a breathy laugh, and I give him a kiss on the lips. “I just seem to be out of it today.”
“Let’s get a drink in you then,” he suggests with a smile.
And he takes my hand and leads me over to our table, Hilde throwing me a smile as Nikolay frowns at me.
“What?” I ask him as I throw myself into my armchair. “You look like you’re either taking a shit or having your first idea ever. Which is it?”
I hear Max let out a chuckle.
Nikolay’s eyes dart to him before they land back on me. “Ha ha,” he drawls sarcastically. Then he takes a sip of his drink and slams the glass onto the table. “I thought you’d come parading in your new dress, oh sister darling,” he says, squinting at me as if he can smell the lie I haven’t even told.
“Maybe you should worry less about dresses and more about tomorrow’s Game,” I snap back, noticing Hilde squirming in her seat. “As far as I can remember, it was almost as if you didn’t participate in the last one.”
My brother’s face flushes in anger. “I’ll start worrying about the Game as soon as you start filling out the dresses like you’re supposed to.”
“You little,” I start through gritted teeth, getting up to smack him across the face.
Max pulls me back into the armchair while Hilde cuts in, nervousness in her voice, “Come on, you two, let’s not fight today.”
For a second, we keep staring each other down, my brother and I. Then he shakes his head and barks out a laugh. “We’re just playing, aren’t we, Nyx?”
Normally, that goofy look of his would melt away all my anger. And I do let out a breath and give him a smile, saying, “When are we not?”
But today, nothing seems to sit right.
So I lean back in my chair and I take out my book, deciding it would be best for everyone involved if I just tuned out.
“Hey,” I hear Max say and I turn to find him glancing between me and the book in my hand.
“I’m doing your Theory of Magic homework,” I say flatly and without hesitation. “Unless you don’t want me to?”
He just looks at me for a second. “Such a good girl you are,” he says with a wink, gives me a kiss and goes back to drinking and chatting with the other two.
And I guess it’d be wrong to say I’m proud of my short temper. And it does feel a little ridiculous, being at a party with my nose in a book. But it’s nothing I’m not used to. And at least I get to have fun, instead of going around in circles in a conversation I’m barely part of.
The party raging around me, I just tune out and start reading. And the more I read, the more immersed I get. It really is original research, I think after a couple of pages. More thorough than anything I’ve read so far. And it goes into such interesting detail.
For example, it lists all the magical creatures that are said to have participated in the clash. It even includes a transcript of a conversation with one of the fighters, had while the said man was literally on his deathbed. Who knows how he managed to track him down? I skim whole pages, skipping all the info I already know.