“You know what happened while you were gone?” I hear Hilde say, her voice getting fainter and fainter. “Remember that Annika girl, from Mind Magic Level One?”
Romanov says something, but I can no longer hear her.
Still smiling, I fix my eyes on the fires at the camp down below, I breathe in a lungful of crisp, winter air and I start whistling.
Of course, it’s at that exact moment that I hearhim.
So that’s how it is now?he demands as he rises out of the shadows.She tells you ‘You’re an idiot’ and you start drooling like a fucking Pavlov dog?
I raise my eyebrows at him, but I remain unfazed. “And? More often than not,” I tell him as my mouth cracks into a lazy grin, “when she says it, I actuallydoget a treat. So can you blame me?”
It’s pathetic,he snaps at me.Makes me ashamed to be your animal.
“Oh fuck off,” I drawl with a self-satisfied laugh, “you’re just jealous. You want me to let you out so you can doyourthing.”
Well,he insists, clearly butthurt,you’re not keeping the ribbon.
“Well,” I counter, “as you yourselforderedme, I’m not letting you anywhere near her.” My grin only growing wider and my voice more mocking, I tell him, “So sure, I’ll let you bitch about the ribbon however much you want.”
Hey, he warns, his own voice turning cold and threatening.You better watch it, boy.
“I’m sorry,” I rush to say as I start approaching the plateau, realizing I really am acting like a jerk. I make myself snap out of it, clearing my throat. “I’ll behave. And of course I won’t keep the ribbon,” I add as I look down at it. “I’ll just hold onto it for her.”
He doesn’t say anything. He just squints at me suspiciously.
“I’m being serious,” I insist, making sure my voice matches the sentiment. “I told you she wouldn’t be a distraction and look, she’s not. She came, we had a little roll in the hay and now it’s back to the party.”
Look at you,he drawls.All smart all of a sudden.
“Well, I’m determined. We have the Third Game tomorrow, and I’m going to show you exactly how inconsequential all this really is.”
For a second, he stays silent.I sincerely hope so,he finally says, a little coldly, but clearly appeased.
The next morning, I find myself in the crowd with Ricky, leaving the Dame Gothel statue behind and seemingly going south. And despite the fact that the Third Game hasn’t even started yet, I’m feeling downright victorious. We only have ten players left, but they're strong ones, Aine with her wolf and Lorcan with his bear having proven to be real assets.
“Did you know there’ll be burgers after?” I ask my friend with a grin. “I was worried they’d be bringing out those fancy appetizers again.”
“Glad you can think about food right now,” my friend tells me, unease written clearly on his face. “I myself can’t be so sure I haven’t already had my last meal.”
“Come on,” I protest, glancing around to see we’re walking along the camp, “it’s not like you’re about to die. You’ll probably just get injured a little.Maybelose a limb or two.”
It’s scandalized, the look he throws me.
It makes me let out a little laugh. But I quickly turn serious. “Hey,” I tell him with a pat on his back, “you’re stronger and more resourceful than you think.”
He waves a hand in dismissal. “How come you’re withme?” he asks, frowning a little. “I got rid ofmybuddy ages ago, but I thought Nikolay was still yours.”
“Seems his mommy doesn’t want him to be,” I reply with an amused laugh.
“Oh well,” my friend says absently, “can’t please everyone. But maybe it’s for the best. So far, that family’s only meant trouble for you.”
I open my mouth to reply, but it’s just at that moment that I spot Romanov in the crowd, walking with her brother, clad in that tight little uniform.
I feel a rush of heady thrill as I let my eyes drag down her body. And I keep putting one foot in front of the other, but it’s all I can think about now. How would it be received, I wonder, if I sent her a text to meet me after the Game, telling her to wear it?