His words pierce the numbness. He’s right, of course. Sek’su is dying and if I don’t act, he might not make it. And the only reason Khiara is hurt is because he was trying to save him. If Sek’su dies anyway, especially because I didn’t help…
No. I can’t let this happen.
I press my fingers to Khiara’s cheek, which is cool to the touch. His eyes move to mine, still dull, but there is no denying the love in them. A faint smile plays across his lips. He’s breathing heavily and clearly in great pain. How could he not be? A knife is buried in his back and has to be piercing his lung.
Spotting the fungus where it fell, I carefully collect it. It feels dry and prickly. I look at it then back to Khiara.
“How?” I ask.
“Tea,” he exhales then coughs. Blood flecks his lips as he does, and my heart skips a beat.
I stand up and go to the counter where the tools are. There is a burner thing that I saw Tsi’tel using. It’s a square stone a little bigger than my hand. It’s hollow underneath where combustible material sits. I find the tools and light the small fire so that the stone is warming. There are shelves carved into the wall filled with things. Jars, tools, containers, lots of different stuff that Tsi’tel uses for whatever purpose.
It takes a few minutes, but I find a jar that looks workable. I put it on the burner. Next is some water. One of the rarest of things on Tajss, but it’s been less so under the mountain than it was on the surface.
I find a pitcher that has water. Desperate more than bold, I taste test the liquid to make sure it’s not something else by dipping a finger in it then touching the drop to my tongue. Only then do I realize how thirsty I am, but I resist the urge to drink it myself.
The door jerks aside and I jump. Tsi’tel enters followed by Wren. Tsi’tel stares at me for a second, maybe two, with a deep frown before Wren grabs his arm and points to Khiara who has passed out again.
“Huh,” Tsi’tel grunts.
He bends over, picks up Khiara as if he weighs nothing. He moves towards the door.
“What are you doing?” I screech.
I don’t mean to scream but him taking Khiara away so casually and without a word freaks me out.
“He needs care,” Tsi’tel says over his shoulder. “Or did you miss the dagger buried in his back?”
“No,” I say, voice cracking.
Tsi’tel is gone before I can say more. Wren stands by the door looking between it and me. My eyes go to the blood pooled on the floor where Khiara was only a moment ago. I lick my lips to moisten them, swallow hard, then force myself to focus.
“What are you doing?” Wren asks, carefully walking around the blood.
I pause to wipe away an escaping tear and sniffle.
“Tea. Khiara said make this into a tea,” I say, raising the fungus.
I drop it into the water that is just starting to boil. Wren and I stare down into the jar and watch the piece of fungus dance around in the bubbling water. The clear liquid darkens quickly until it looks almost black.
“How long?” Wren asks.
“I don’t know,” I say, pursing my lips.
Ask Khiara. I could… but what if… no. Not going there. He’s fine. Tsi’tel will fix him.
“I think it’s done.”
I look over at her then back at the boiling liquid. It’s dark, that’s tea, right? I need to get it off the burner thing which isn’t something I’d thought through.
“Need a pot holder or something,” I mutter. Wren snorts. “What?”
I stop looking to stare at her as she breaks into a giggling fit.
“You’re a regular Susie Homemaker.”