As far as I know, she never has but she is the Ice Queen.

“No and you make it a question?” she laughs. “No, Saylor, you and Ziva I never lied to. Everyone else was and is fair game. Except for him, of course.”

She darts a glance at Sek’su, and I laugh with her. For a moment all our worries seem far away and unimportant.

“You thought it was hot?” I ask, musing and oddly excited by the idea.

Wren nods with a thoughtful look on her face.

“You remember when Ziva was dating Jayson?”

“Sure, of course, I do,” I say. “She said he was really… big.”

“Yeah, he was,” she says with the certainty that only comes from really knowing.

“You didn’t?” I ask, eyes widening.

Wren doesn’t even blush in the slightest. She gives a half-shrug.

“We had a lot of drinks,” she says.

“Does Ziva know? Weren’t you dating Monte?”

“I was, he was there too,” she says with a lascivious grin.

“No!” I exclaim, eyes wide in shock.

“Yes,” she says.

“Did you… you didn’t swap?”

“No,” she says. “Same room is all, but it was… hot. Watching Khiara… greet you… made me remember it.”

“Oh,” I say.

My head is spinning. I have no clue what to make of the idea. I’d never considered it. That isn’t true. We’d had some fumbling fooling around with the three of us when we were in our teens, but I never did anything like that. The idea though… does have a certain… appeal.

“I’m glad you found him,” she says. “We’ll have to handle the girls, but we can do it.”

“You sure about that?”

“They accepted Sek’su didn’t they?”

“But he’s… the Zmaj had at least been, I don’t know, more normalized? Does that make sense? Khiara isn’t a Zmaj.”

“That’s for sure,” she laughs. “Can you imagine an emerald green Zmaj?”

“No,” I laugh, joining her, but my thoughts are on Khiara again.

They’re never far from him. I hope he’s doing okay. I have no doubt the Zmaj, speaking in broad terms, will be happy to blame him and his brother for the infiltration by Urr’ki which is ridiculous. If he was aware of it or had any part of it, why did he come to rescue us? Why save Sek’su, who without him would be dead?

“You are blocking the press!”

I’m startled out of my thoughts by the shrieking voice causing me to jump, pulling my hand free of Wren’s and off of Sek’su. We both look at the heavy leather that serves as a door to the room. My stomach ties into knots and a low-key anger rises.

“No,” a deep, rumbling voice says.

I know that voice. I’d know that voice anywhere. The way it rumbles affects me physically. My body responds with a flood of need and desire. Khiara is outside the door.